The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2103: Beginning and ending

Yan Shenming quickly regained his sight and revisited the elders of Liang. He smiled and said: "I said that the murderer is not a jealousy, not only because it is an empty monk, but also because I have recognized the technique of falling the knife. Who is the murderer?"

"I just recognized the murderer by the wound and the body? Is it really worthy of medical treatment?"

Elder Liang is also amazed: "What the murderer is?"

When Shen Shen paused for a moment, he slowly spit out a name that shocked everyone. "Falling the rain sword, Cheng Changhe."


"Isn't that the shadow of the elders?"

"How is this possible? Shadow Blessing kills the contractor, but it will be seriously countered!"

Yan Shenming seems to have been shocked by everyone, not too slow: "Yu Chang has indeed signed a shadow contract, but the contract is not complete. Before Cheng Changhe killed Yu Chang, the shadow of the contract has been solved So Cheng Changhe left Yu Chang and left without a counterattack."

This time, not only the mentor and students present, but also revealed a bit of strange and admired look.

This 娄 鸣 鸣 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果

I have never put this different world of medical skills in my eyes, but at this time, she has changed a little.

The truth is clear, and Elder Liang has no reason to accuse him of blasphemy. He has to calmly hate and say: "The order is to punish the court and issue a wanted order. It is necessary to bring the murderer Cheng Changhe to justice. I would like to see who is instructing He killed Yu Chang, who can unlock the shadow contract."

He smiled a little and didn't look at the gloomy eyes of the elders of Liang. With Yan Ming, he left the courtyard of the elders.

As soon as they went outside, the three classes of the water doctors greeted them and talked around her.

When a girl rushed over, she almost squatted, but she was helped by Shen Ming, and she was warmly reminded to be careful.

The girl immediately reddened her cheeks and said slyly: "Thank you for your medical treatment."

The people in the three classes of the hydrologist are even better at the senses of Shen Ming, and apart from admiration, they are more close.

However, when he heard that Shen Shenming once again asked him to go to the inner door to teach, everyone’s mood quickly swayed to the bottom.

"Hey, I think, the other mentor at the outer door seems to be not very friendly to you, and it also hinders your ability to play." Yan Shenming looked at him with a gentle look. "How? Do you want to consider agreeing to me?" Is it good to come to the inner door as a medical school tutor?"

He sighed for a moment: "I am very interested in the inner door of Tianzhi Valley, but...not the present."

娄Shen Ming’s glimpse, this is the meaning of...rejection?

I listened to it and continued: "I like to do things from beginning to end. I promised to teach them as a mentor of the three classes of hydrologists this year, so at least this year, I will stay at the outer door."

"Ah - hey mentor!"


The three classes of the water doctors were shocked. Many people who had already despair suddenly raised their heads, and the look on their faces was shocked and happy.

Fang Yuechao and Wu Jinshui, the two most eager to change from waste wood to strong, are even more blind.

No one knows better than them that they are not waiting to see and are struggling.

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