The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2104: Warrior Experience Competition (quick ticket)

Now there is such a good opportunity to be in front of you and become the mentor of the inner door. This is an opportunity for many people to dream of not coming.

However, he refused for them and refused without hesitation.

The three classes of the water doctor were moved, but the students of Shen Ming were completely unhappy.

"What is the purpose, 娄 尊 邀请 so invited him, he actually refused!"

"Hey, after half a year, he thought he was someone? Actually dare to take Joe in front of the doctor!"

"I just saw this and it was not pleasing to the eye. I didn't have a respectful attitude with the doctors. I have never seen such a madman inside the door."

Yan Shenming slightly wrinkled and frowned: "Hey, are you worried that no one is teaching the three classes of the doctor? If so, I can arrange other tutors for you, even if you adjust a tutor from the inner door."

Seeing you just shaking your head, without the slightest shake, Yu Shenming sighed: "I don't care, I am so eager to invite you into the inner door. There is another reason. It is the military experience contest of the Siamese mainland in ten years. It’s about to begin.”

"This contest is only for the military, the monks can not participate, we Tianyu Valley will send qualified students every year to participate, but because the monks can not participate in the relationship, so the former leader can usually only be students or doctors with low medical skills The mentor is not necessarily the best in the competition."

"But if you are involved, the situation is very different. Your alchemy level and medical skills are far more than the students, but they are still in the arms. I believe that if you participate, we will be able to Winning the competition."

I was the first to hear about this contest. I couldn’t help but see the three classes of the doctors. "Tianji Valley only sent a team? Can the students outside the door not participate?"

Who knows what she said, the students around the doctors are laughing.

There was a teenager who sneered at the three classes of the water doctor. "No? You let this group of wastes go to the Warrior Experience Competition? Do you know what kind of elites are participating in the Warrior Experience Competition every ten years? Let them go, isn't it the face of our heavenly doctor?"

"Haha, of course, you can sign up. Anyone who wants to make up the number of people and meet the requirements for training can participate. But who knows that they can't pass the first level, but they are shameful?" I am embarrassed to go to the face of all the people in the world!"

Yan Shenming's laughter and ridicule of these students made the three classes of the doctors look ugly.

Wu Jinshui said: "Hey, isn't it a big break? Who is rare!"

The students in the inner door were still laughing, and everyone could see that they were guilty and angered.

In the end, he screamed and shouted: "Shut up, not rude."

These students just closed their mouths, but they looked at the three classes of the doctors and the doctors.

Yan Shenming looked at him and said with sincerity: "Hey, don't know what you mean?"

My answer is very simple. "I will stay in the outer door for the past six months."

Yan Shenming’s students did not expect that the doctors were so invited. This person was still not in the oil and salt, and they were all very angry.

Only Yu Shenming was full of regrets, and sighed softly: "If this is the case, then I can only respect your decision. Just hope that I will find the alchemy room in the future, so don't be disgusted." ”

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