The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2119: No... no desire? !

Who knows the unknown, but smiles slightly: "First come, come, hand is slow, no hand, is this not a matter of course? Oh, I forgot, the beast has no hands."

Hey: "..." I don't know when you are still so poisonous.

"Who said that I have no hands!!" As the third piece of barbecue on the cockroach's hand came out, a man's angry snoring suddenly came from the ear, and then, instead of smearing the sauce on the meat. The meat in the hands has been taken away.

When I turned back, I saw that the beast that had just been mad was gone, and replaced by a man who grabbed the barbecue and rudely screamed.

This piece of barbecue is half as big as a human body. The man holds the barbecue in his hand, almost covering half of his face and half of his body.

However, after only a few short breaks, this huge barbecue disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And as the man's appearance was revealed, he was still stunned, and the cries and sorrows of the cries and sorrows were suddenly stunned.

"No... no desire?!!" Qing Yan slammed his mouth and screamed in disbelief.

It was all of a sudden stiff, and even the meat that was being baked on the ground fell to the ground.

"Hey." The man swallowed the last piece of roast, then looked at him with a sigh of relief. "Is there still? I want a bigger piece, and there is still a sprinkle! Please hurry! Please!"

He closed his eyes and his body swayed gently.

Qing Yan quickly helped her, and then the voice shook a little: "Miss, I...Is it a blind eye? Is this really uninhibited? But is it not dead, are they not dead? But if not, He... How could he look like no desire?"

He took a deep breath and slowly grasped the cold hand, and then let go, and then tightened again.

The low-pitched voice rang in the courtyard that suddenly fell silent. "Unknown, green, please leave first, I want to talk to him alone."

The unknown eyelids are scary and cold at this moment, as if there is a murderous beast to rush out from inside.

At this moment, all the attention is placed on this man, and it can no longer be given to others.

He hates this feeling.

No, he hates this feeling!

His hateful attention was removed from him, and his hateful eyes were reflected in others other than him.

The fierce and **** temper came from the bottom of my heart, making him almost unable to resist the urge to tear others apart.

However, all of a sudden, he saw his eyes, clear and bright, as if reflecting the sun jewels, shining.

However, this radiance is so cold and glaring, with a cautious and full of sad hatred, I will drop water at any time.

At this moment, the unknown suddenly felt that his heart was stunned.

His face is full of mistakes, this is his first time... For the first time, I feel sad because of other people's emotions.

It is impossible for him to feel empathy.

Just because the person in front of you is jealous?

The unknown looked deeply at it, as if to lock her dead in the soul, then turned and disappeared.

Qing Yan looked at him with concern and looked at the man who could not see it. He bit his teeth and left.

In the vast courtyard, there are only two people standing opposite each other.

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