The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2120: 姬冥煜...Namiya 煜...(question ticket)

There is also a charcoal fire that is not extinguished by the grill next to it, making a burning sound.

He moved to the side of the barbecue and moved it. He secretly picked up the half-baked meat on the ground. He also refused to take blood and dust. He had to smother it.

Hearing suddenly he said: "You answer a few questions, you can eat anything in the future."

Rubbing his eyes, excited: "I don't want ordinary food, I want you to do it."

Nodded: "Yes."

I was so excited that I was about to fly. I took the half-baked barbecue in my hand and threw it to my back. I ran to my side and said, "Hey, you don’t know how long I have been looking for you, I’m going to take half a Siam. The mainland has searched all over."

"But I already know where you are, and the host still doesn't allow me to see you. Hehe... If I can't find you again, I guess I am going to starve."

"Since I have eaten what you have done, the food that my other chefs can't eat can't be eaten. If the owner doesn't let me see you again, I will definitely become skinny!"

A fierce beast that surpasses the **** level, the sly scorpion, like a treasure, is like a person complaining. If this scene is seen by someone who knows the identity, it will definitely stun the chin.

But he didn't laugh or be surprised, but he looked at him without hesitation. Over and over, even every detail was not missed.

I finally noticed something wrong, grabbed my face and said: "Is it a bad shape? I don't feel good, hehe...have no animal shape to eat, or else I will go back, but you let Don't grab the kid in the red dress..."

He suddenly interrupted him. "What is your name?"

"Isn't that little girl just called me? My name is no desire!" The answer was taken for granted, and then he groaned. "No, the name of no desire, but I just gave it to myself. How do you know?"

"No... wants..." The word repeats his name, and the voice is hoarse and scary. "There is no desire... You are also called unintentional, and you look exactly the same. Is this a coincidence? You ... Why is it called no desire?"

I grabbed my head and said, "I don't know. I think this name is very good with me. It seems to be my name by nature. What's wrong? Is this name not good?"

The clenched fists of death and death, the eyes are slightly red, "No desire, who do you say your master?"

"Well Prison..." He paused and thought of something, and immediately changed his mind. "You know what the girl is, my master has only one person."

"Ji Ming." The hoarse voice spit out three words.

He immediately nodded with a smile. "Hey, you don't know, the host didn't let me come to you because I grabbed it with him. But fortunately this time the owner retired, so I was allowed to come and protect you."

"Ji Mingyu... Nangong Temple... What is the relationship between you? Why do you have the same voice, the same looks, and even the same people?"

I muttered, my face was pale, my eyes were a little red, and the sound seemed to cry at any time. "If Ji Ming is you, why don't you know me? Why can't you remember our past?"

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