The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2123: Past misunderstanding

He shook his head and smiled: "If you interrupted the medicine, you will not have the opportunity to see the style of the alchemist."

Yan Shenming laughed: "Hey, you laughed, although your current alchemy level is not as good as me, but you are only 19 years old, and my roots are already over 100 years old. Your achievements and medical skills will definitely exceed me in the future. ”

After that, he clap his hands, and soon there was a medicine boy who came to Lingcha and came in front of Yan and Yan Shen.

I didn't touch the tea, but asked: "I heard Dr. Xiao say, are you looking for me?"

Yan Shenming heard the words, the smile on his face faded, and sighed: "In fact, I am looking for you this time, I want to explain to you the misunderstanding between me and Jun Hongbo."

"Oh? I am willing to listen."

Sui Shenming found a position to sit down, and there was sadness, embarrassment and sadness in his eyes. He said: "In fact, Mu Yu and Fei Fei are not my two disciples. I once had a little apprentice named Su Nianzhen. For some reasons, Jun Hongbo, Yun Wenjing, and Bai Ruoqi have known each other a long time ago, and they have become good friends."

"However, a few years ago, I refining a new drug, chanting myself to test the drug... The drug was originally beneficial to the human body, but I did not expect that the physique of the chanting was special. After eating the drug, it turned out to be... After the death of the chanting, the three people of Jun Hongbo hated me. They always thought that I was killed and chanted, and I wanted to let Tianzhi Valley punish me. But the inner door elders of Tianzhi Valley finally ruled that It is not my fault to chanting, it is not my fault, so I am not guilty."

"But I didn't think that Jun Hongbo's hatred for me was so deep. In order to protest the punishment of Tianyao Valley, he even gave up the identity of the inner disciple and was willing to go to the outer door. Even many of the rights in the family were abandoned. ""

Yan Shenming said, looking up and looking at him, his eyes are full of guilt and self-blame, and there is deep helplessness. "Jun Hongbo is actually very promising, but now because of hating me, even his own I don’t care about the future. I really hope that they can put down their hatred and return to the inner door."

"And the death of chanting, I have a responsibility in the end. I really can't look at his three friends but he doesn't care."

For the first time, I heard Jun Hongbo’s past three people, and his face was a bit strange.

Wen Yan asked: "What do you want me to do?"

Yan Shenming sighed with a sigh of relief: "I don't know if you can't see it, Jun Hongbo has been stuck in the peak of distraction for a long time, and Yun Wenjing and Bai Ruoyi are also like this. It has been stagnant for a long time. I don't know. Is it that their heart is stagnation, leading to an unstable relationship."

"But I don't want them to be inactive, to be stagnant for a lifetime, and I have medicinal herbs that can make their spirits stable and improve. But I know that they will not accept my kindness even if they die."

Ruan said: "Why do you want me to take medicine to them?"

“No.” Yan Shenming immediately shook his head. “My refining medicinal herbs have unique spiritual fluctuations. They used to see a lot of chanting. They will be recognized if they are brought to them. However, other people even want to If you want to refine, you can't refine such a drug. Because their spirit is not strong enough, I want to find you to help."

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