The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2124: Precious Dan Fang (for ticket)

This time, I was really surprised. "Why do you want me to make alchemy?"

Yan Shenming smiled and took out a light yellow paper and handed it to him.

After picking it up, I suddenly widened my eyes.

This is a Danfang, and it is not an ordinary Danfang, but an extremely precious one, even the Danfang that has not been seen in the Ding Ding.

This Dan is called [Jing Bidan], the main raw material is actually a condensed fruit, and there are countless precious elixir.

The process of alchemy is extremely complicated. In the end, there are only six products in the successful refining of the medicinal herbs, but the means of control used during the period is complicated to make people feel guilty.

However, the layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

If this Dan Fang is placed in the eyes of other people, perhaps it will only feel violent, and use the condensate yuan to refine the six medicinal herbs, or to lose so many souls, with three or four hours, it is simply sick.

But the more it is, the more excited it is, the more excited it is, because she knows that this medicinal medicine is refining, and the effect is absolutely against the sky.

Moreover, I have found several places that can be changed. As long as the changes have been made, this condensate can even become a seven-piece product.

When Shen Shenming saw the change of his face, he immediately smiled. "I know that you can understand the preciousness of this prescription and have the ability to refine this medicine."

He put down Dan Fang, and some admiredly looked at Shen Ming, "This precious Dan Fang, I did not expect that the doctor would share it."

"Danfang is nothing but something outside. If I can solve the misunderstanding of Jun Hongbo, I am satisfied."

Yan Shenming suddenly laughed and said: "I don't think it's better to hit the sun on the next day. I have the materials on Dan. I am here, why don't you try to refine it?"

Scratched, now alchemy?

However, soon, she smiled slightly. "Well, then respectfulness is worse than death."

If it fails, how many elixir will be lost?

Oh, I don’t think about it because she doesn’t feel that she will fail.


Student dormitory of Tianyi Medical College.

Xiao Muyu with his hands behind his back, slowly walked into the room of Jun Hongbo.

When Bai Ruoxi first discovered the coming person, he immediately jumped up. "What are you doing with this bastard?!"

Xiao Muyu sneered, squinting at him, his eyes filled with anger and disdain. "Master told me to inform you that you have repaired the problem of being sluggish and unable to break through. He has found a solution."

"Roll-!!" Bai Ruoqi directly pulled out the long sword, "How is Laozi’s cultivation, using the old animal to manage?"

Yun Wenjing quickly grabbed him and said with a calm face: "Students can't start with the elders. Do you want to be expelled from Tianzhi Valley?"

Xiao Muyu looked at the three people like garbage. "And, my master found the prescription, but the prescription needs to consume a huge soul and spiritual power, and only the person who is repaired by the warrior can refine. So I can only find your mentor to refine the medicinal herbs. As for her willingness to refine for you, it will only be seen by you. Oh!"

"What do you say?!" Jun Hongbo's face suddenly sank, biting his teeth, "Is I going to see Yan Shenming?! Where is she?"

Xiao Muyu’s eyes burned with anger and anger. “Jun Hongbo, what do you think, I dare to call my master’s name. And Su Nian’s little slut, if not for my master to accept him as a disciple, he can reach the master-level alchemy. Teacher? Even if you try to die, it is also his own bad luck, what is it about my master?"

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