Jun Hongbo suddenly flashed out of the thunder of lightning, and the **** eyes glared at Xiao Muyu. "I will ask again, hey, where!!"

"You-!!" Xiao Muyu almost wants to kill, but thinks of Shen Ming’s embarrassment, or bite his teeth and spit out an address. "If it’s not Master, you must tell you if you want to know. I don’t even want to see it. You! The dregs like you should disappear in the Heavenly Valley forever..."

Xiao Muyu’s words have not been finished yet, and Jun Hongbo suddenly rushed out of the room, followed by Yunwen Jinghe Bai Ruoqi.

Xiao Muyu is full of mistakes.

These three people, even the quarrel with him can not care? What medicine did they take wrong?


"Hey, hey, you give me out -!!!"

When Jun Hongbo rushed to Sui Mingming’s residence, there was no drug boy here. The big house was empty and could not see a little shadow.

The three men shouted loudly, but the inside was still quiet and terrible.

In the entire yard, only a house in the East Court was filled with scent of scent.

Jun Hongbo was about to go to the room immediately, but suddenly, a powerful pressure came to the surface, causing three people to suddenly change their faces.

The worst cloud Jing Jing is directly squirting a blood.

"You really are still here!" A melancholy man’s voice rang in the distance, he laughed. "Like the doctor said, how can you learn these three little guys?"

Jun Hongbo looked at the person who appeared slowly in the front, and the pupil slammed for a while, "Yu Shenming's shadow-blessing - Yan Sansi!"

Many people know that there are several shadows for Yu Shenming.

And this Yan Sansi is one of the most famous.

Because he has a very powerful strength - the peak of the robbery period, rare rivals in the Qingyun industry.

However, his looks are in great contrast to this strength.

I saw the man in front of me slender, waist-slim models, looks slimmer than women, the goose-shaped face is covered with a thick layer of powder, but also painted the eyebrows and red lips, it looks not male or female, and can not help but wind The look and the master can't match it.

However, only those who know his details know that this person is not only superb, but also very ambiguous. The array, the poisonous, and the 18 weapons are all very difficult to prevent.

Jun Yibo stared at him in a sizzling fire. "Yan Sansi, what do you want to do? Do you still have the guts to kill us?"

Yan Sansi made a giggling smile, but his voice was deliberately sharp, so it sounded particularly harsh.

"Kill you? I certainly don't dare! You are the young masters of the Jun family, the Yun family and the Bai family. If you kill you, my doctor and I will get into trouble."

"Otherwise, do you think that with your waste, you still don't want to find a doctor to trouble, can you live to the present?"

Bai Ruo smashed his mouth and shouted: "If you don't dare to move your grandfather, why are you still in front of us, give me a roll!"

The ugly snoring made Yan Sansi's face pass a touch of cold killing.

Yun Wenjing coughed a little, pressed down the pain in his chest, and looked at him on alert. "What do you want to do with Shen Shenming? What about the tutor?"

"Ha ha ha... What do you want to do?" Yan Sansi laughed. "Of course, I want you to taste it again. That kind of eye-catching look at the taste of friends."

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