"You stayed in Tianhe Valley and refused to go. You even moved out of the inner door. Do you want to retaliate against the doctor? But today the doctor will let the three of you know that your naive behavior will not make any harm to the doctor." Threats will instead bring disaster to the people you value."

"Junjia, Yunjia, Baijia's doctors don't dare to move, but what is it? But just like Su Nianzhen, it is a small role that will not be noticed even if it is dead... You said, if you Relived everything that Su Nianzhen had experienced in the past, can she still live? Hahahaha!"

"娄申鸣——!!" Jun Yibo made a shout like a beast, and the sword in his hand suddenly rushed around the aura, rushing toward Yan Sansi.

Yan Sansi’s face was full of disdain, and a round magic weapon in his hand was lost.


Pain, the internal organs are burnt and cut from the body.

Jun Zibo opened his eyes in a difficult way, and the lips of the bleeding and bleeding were opened and closed, and the throat made a painful sound.

His memory is still awkward, instinctively looking to the side, and soon saw his two friends - Yunwen Jing and Bai Ruoqi.

The situation of these two people is not much better than him. The whole body is scarred, the body's spiritual power is completely drained, and there are many burn marks on the skin.

Jun Yibo’s memory slowly returned, and he remembered it.

It’s Yan Sansi, who are the three warriors who haven’t reached the end of their dying period. How could it be Yan Sansi’s opponent of the robbery monk?

The result of the battle is very obvious, and they have no rebellious force and fainted in front of Yan Sansi.

Waiting to wake up is here, this is...what place?

A small space that only allows the three of them to stand, surrounded by black paint, can't see anything, can't hear anything, and the body can't feel the fluctuation of spiritual power.

What does Yan Shenming want to do? Do you want to trap three of them in this space.

Soon, Yun Wenjing and Bai Ruoyi also woke up, and both of them had a painful look on their faces.

Bai Ruo cursed and screamed: "Where is this? How does the turtle grandson want to deal with us?"

As I said, suddenly there was a bright room, and a large room appeared in front of the originally closed space.

The figure that appeared in the room made the three people of Junbo look discolored.

It was an alchemy room, and the alchemy furnace in the central part of the city was emitting hot air. In front of the Ding furnace, the control of the Danhuo alchemy was a handsome and handsome appearance, and it was clearly a man who was comparable to a beautiful woman.

It is awkward.

At this time, the face was pale, and the forehead was covered with fine sweat, and the spiritual strength of the whole body was thin and disordered.

Obviously this alchemy is not easy, almost consuming all her physical strength and spirit.

Not far behind the body, standing a gentle smile, the gentleman of the gentleman, is Shen Shenming.

Jun Pu’s pupil suddenly shrank and shouted with a hoarse voice. “Hey, you stupid, run!”

His voice shook his own and Yun Wenjing and Bai Ruo's eardrum creaked.

However, the cockroaches in the alchemy room seemed to have never been heard.

Only Shen Shenming turned back, with a gentle smile on his lips, and his eyes looked deep and deep.

To be back, Yu Shenming whispered: "Hey, is it going to succeed?"

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