The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2192: Strong encounter (question ticket)

Ji Ming looked at the bottom of the bottom of the cliff, and the darkness was inexplicable, as if hiding the secrets of ancient times.

Suddenly, he looked like a move, violently turned around, screaming in the glare.

He felt someone close, but not awkward.

Moreover, the cultivation of the people is very high, so even he has to be jealous.

A tall and straight figure appeared slowly outside the lingering black mist, and the man’s face gradually appeared in front of him.

Ji Ming’s pupils contracted for a while, and he sighed for a long while: “Tianyi Shengzun, how come you are here?”

The coming person is Yun Tianyi.

"This sentence is exactly what I want to ask. How can the Prison Goddess go to the small place of Heavenly Medicine Valley?"

Based on similar reasons to Ji Ming, he also came to the Tianzhu Cliff, known as the entrance to the Devil, but suddenly felt the existence of a person whose strength is not lower than himself.

However, Yun Tianyi did not even guess what to expect. The person who saw it would be Ji Ming.

There was an unspeakable silence between the two.

The relationship between the two sides can be said to be known, and the status in the domain of the gods is also quite, but it is completely ignorant. Because of their respective positions, there are too many unscrupulous taboos and vigilance against each other.

However, Yun Tianyi finally broke the silence. "Thank you for the portrait sent last time. I owe you a favor anyway."

Ji Mingxi was stunned for a moment before she remembered the portrait in Yuntian Yikou.

It was a woman, and it was a bit like his creek.

Ji Mingqi inexplicably felt that the portrait should be related to Xier. He was silent for a moment before he asked: "Is that the old man of the Holy Spirit?"

Yun Tianyi looked a little sly, and then asked what he said: "I want to find people in the Qingyun world. The Siamese mainland is the place where the Prison God respects you. Maybe, at that time, I will seek help from God. The two that owe you Human feelings, I will return to Yuntian."

This is not intended to tell the truth.

Ji Ming is not surprised, because Yun Tianyi and his relationship can only be regarded as a nod to the top, coupled with the power of interest, Yun Tianyi does not trust him is normal.

Yun Tianyi suddenly asked: "I don't know why the **** of the prison is in heaven."

The glimmer of Ji Ming’s glory has a moment of softness, and the sound has brought warmth from nothing. “The people I want to see are here, naturally come. Is there anything wrong?”

This answer made Yun Tianyi's face show a rare surprise. Looking at the gentle man in front of him, I can't believe that this is the cold-blooded and ruthless **** of the gods.

Ji Ming is notoriously indifferent to the gods, not close to female color.

But now, is there really a woman in the world who can make him move?

What kind of woman is it that can make the people who are so passionate and loved by Ji Ming also have to be tempted?

"Your sweetheart is in the Valley of Heaven?"

Ji Mingxi replied in a calm, cold tone: "Correct, it is the wife of the future."

Yun Tianyi is even more shocked, not just a wife, but a wife who is about to become a god.

He asked himself from the heart of no gossip, and at this time he couldn't help but ask what people could make Ji Mingfu so concerned.

But before he could speak, there was a call from a woman in the distance. "Father, I finally found you. I am Fifi, please allow me to meet you."

Yun Tianyi and Ji Mingfu looked at each other and tacitly left the edge of the magical sky and walked out.

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