In places where the magic is so rich, even the god-level monks will feel discomfort, and only their cultivation will be unaware.

But the two obviously did not want people to know their true identity and cultivation.

What Ji Mingzhen remembered, suddenly sighed: "In the future, no matter where I see me, don't say that I am breaking my identity."

In addition to his confidant and Yun Tianyi, Ji Mingyu was always wearing a mask when he saw him as a **** in Siam, so almost no one knows his true colors.

"Oh? What do I have to call you?"

"Name can be."

Yun Tianyi picked up her eyebrows with some funny eyes. "Don't let your little girl know your identity?"

Ji Mingqi frowned and irritated, and did not answer Yun Tianyi's words.

During the speech, Yunfeifei has come forward and bowed to Yuntianyi. "Fifi has seen his father."

Hearing the words of his father, Yun Tianyi was dark and his face was obviously unpleasant.

Before Yun Feifei called his father, he didn't feel anything.

But now, when I think of my two children, he thinks that the name of "father" should be exclusive to them, and no one else is qualified.

However, because Ji Ming was there, Yun Tianyi did not say much, but decided to wait until he went back to warn Yunfeifei.

Yun Feifei did not find Yun Tianyi's dissatisfaction at all.

Because her sight has been completely attracted by the handsome man around Yuntianyi.

Yun Feifei is so big, most of the time living in Yunjia, can be said to have seen the outstanding elite of Siam, but no man's looks and temperament is as outstanding as this person.

In particular, the grace and exuberance that he naturally exudes is even more than the ones that she has seen but have not seen.

In particular, look at Yun Tianyi's appearance with him, and sit on the same level.

Being able to sit on the same level as her father Yun Tianyi is definitely not simple.

I remembered the indifference of my sorrowful deity, and then looked at the man's fascinating appearance. The whole heart of Yunfeifei was hot.

The status of the prison **** is too respectable, she may not climb high, but the man in front of him, even if his identity is higher, can he still be higher than Yuntianyi?

Now that he has the identity of Yun Tianyi’s daughter, isn’t he more than enough?

At the thought of this, Yun Feifei always showed a shallow smile on her face, and the cold voice also brought a bit of soft meaning. "Father, you don’t say anything to Tianzhigu, let’s make it Fifi is ready to receive you."

Yun Tianyi said faintly: "I have nothing to do with you here. You should treat yourself."

The soft smile on Yun Feifei's face suddenly became a stalemate. Yun Tianyi's words can be said to be unrelenting, so that she can not come to Taiwan completely.

She originally thought that Yun Tianyi really came to Tianzhi Valley for her, but it was not.

The hand hanging on the side of the body slowly tightened, Yun Feifei reluctantly restrained for a long while, so that his expression did not reveal flaws.

She didn't feel the alienation of Yuntianyi at all, her eyes looked at Ji Ming, a slight glimpse, and she shyly lowered her eyes. The voice was plain and asked: "Father, is this son your friend? I used to Didn't seem to have seen it?"

Yuntian Yi did not answer.

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