Ji Mingxi didn't want to reveal his identity. He didn't take care of Yunfeifei's interest, so he turned and left.

Yun Feifei suddenly stagnated in place, with a burst of white on his face.

In fact, although the name is Yun Tianyi's daughter, she has never seen Yuntianyi several faces.

Every time I meet, Yun Tianyi never puts her in her eyes, and she will not give her a false impression.

But she thought that this time in front of outsiders, Yun Tianyi would give her a little face.

Let her meet the vanity in front of this outstanding man.

Who knows, Yun Tianyi directly sees her as nothing, making her shy and almost self-confident.

Yun Feifei almost cried with a pair of red eyes, but she found that although Ji Ming did not speak, she did not leave.

Could it be said that he also has a crush on himself and sees himself sad, so he wants to stay and comfort himself?

At the thought of this, Yun Feifei's cold heart was hot again.

She lifted her eyes slightly, with a bit of grievances and sadness in her voice: "Father, he is always very busy, and he has no time to accompany me and my grandmother. I have longed for my father to take time to spend time with me. I didn’t teach me to practice, I didn’t send me a magic weapon. I just hope that he can stay with me. Son, you said, is this request too much?”

Silence, a silent silence.

Yun Feifei sneaked a glimpse of Ji Ming, and before he could see his expression, he was photographed by the handsome radiance, and he breathed and disturbed his mind, and immediately bowed his head.

She bit her teeth, couldn't help but step forward, with prayer and enquiry: "Don, can I know your identity? You and my father know, can you ask me for me, what should I do?" Can he let me notice that I care more about me? If I can win the championship of the Warrior Experience Competition, can he look at me differently?"

"I don't know the son. I know that the swordsman's grand prize before the contest. I also signed up and wanted to invite the son to come and watch. I don't know the son..."

After Yun Feifei said this, she was full of confidence and could still respond to her still cold silence.

She was concentrating on the reaction of the man. Suddenly, a clear and beautiful voice came from the voice of anger. "Does your father look at you differently, what do you ask my man to do?"

This voice can not tell the familiar, familiar with the cloud Feifei face suddenly became ugly.

She jerked her head up, but the first thing she saw was not the way she came, but the changing eyes and look of Ji Ming.

It has always been cold and indifferent, as if all the men in the world who were just dead objects in his eyes suddenly seemed to be gentle in this moment, and the body exudes a deep love and love.

Yun Feifei looked at it and almost stopped.

Because this man with gentle and tender eyes, exudes a hundred times stronger than just the charm, so that she is hopelessly infatuated with such a feeling, can not wait for all the gentleness of this man is facing himself.

But very quickly, the man's slender hand touched the face of another person, and the voice was cool and gentle, "Xier."

Yun Feifei’s line of sight also fell on the face of the coming person.

Oh, it really is awkward.

Although there are exquisite facial features, but I have only been dressed in men's clothing, no deep background, no strong cultivation, why do such people appear in front of themselves again and again, stepping on their feet again and again?

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