The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2200: I want to be a mother (a ticket)

After the time of the half-baked tea, a group of people dressed in Tianyi Valley costumes suddenly appeared on the square.

Each of these people is highly educated and expressionless. When they enter the square, they take the rhythmic people directly and do not give them a chance to justify.

The square quickly quieted down, although there were still people who were dissatisfied with the finale of the cricket, but no one said anything more.

The rogue fairy was very calm throughout the whole process. After seeing the situation recover, he immediately smiled and said: "Now, let me announce the first round of the Xuanzao Fairy Awards. The content of the competition is - alchemy!"

“Alchemy? What is good looking for alchemy?”

"Yes! We came to see the wonderful dances and music of the fairies, but it wasn’t for three or four hours to watch an alchemy."

The hooligan fairy seems to have no idea of ​​the dissatisfaction of the people underneath. He just continued: "This alchemy competition is also called a hundred flowers."

Say, wide-sleeve light, streamer and dance.

Soon, the scene of the stage changed, and the bare bluestone floor turned into a sea of ​​flowers.

Colorful flowers spread on the hundreds of square meters of the venue, the flowers seem to be scattered, there are bees and butterflies flying around, plus the flocculent flowers floating in the air, like a fairyland.

The rogue fairy smiled: "The so-called Baihua is fascinating. It is the collection of a hundred flowers by the participating fairies, refining a medicinal herb. This medicinal medicine does not seek to be able to return to life, does not solve the poison, but only has the simplest complement. effect."

"So it takes only half an hour for the refining time of this remedy to be enough."

"The people present can vote for their favorite fairy after the refining of the medicinal herbs. Finally, according to the votes of the fairy, decide to advance to the second round of the list."

The rogue fairy said that the people who had cursed at the moment suddenly laughed and said loudly about the game.

The original boring and uninteresting alchemy became a group of beautiful fairies that shuttled through the flowers, collecting flowers and refining flowers. This boring thing would become enjoyment.

What's more, even if it is boring, it is only half an hour. This is not the level of alchemy for women, but the most enchanting and more fascinating than anyone who can make this flower.

The people on the square, especially the men, cheered on the game.

However, I am waiting for the girl in the "Fairy House".

She had thought about this beauty contest called Xuan Ying Fairy Awards, which would be very boring, but I couldn’t think of it.

Obviously it is the alchemy competition. Actually, it is not the quality of the refining of the medicinal remedy, but the beauty of the medicinal remedy is not beautiful, and the demon is not enchanting.

Enchanting your sister!

Believe it or not, my grandmother got a poisonous cigarette, and all of you who are screaming are stupid? !

What is most let her collapse is not the content of this pit.

Looking at the clothes in front of me, I just want to go crazy.

She didn't know about the ghost-like beauty contest before, so she didn't even know that this fairy award can't be dressed casually.

She originally prepared her own women's clothing, but when she planned to change to participate in the competition, she was judged as "unqualified dress", and then the clothes appeared automatically in this home, let her change.

Ok, change clothes and change clothes, I recognize it, and there is nothing wrong with this dress. It is really much more beautiful than her own preparation. Even if it is not as gorgeous as Feng Yu’s glamour, it can also match her. The face is like snow, and the face is peerless.

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