However, after wearing the clothes, he was surprised to find out.

This dress and Feng Yu Tianyi actually have the same effect.

Her disguise, her unfavorable and easy-to-wear, after she put on this dress, actually failed.

Looking at the peerless face of the woman in the mirror, I hate to escape from the square immediately.

What a ghost contest, she does not participate in not accompanying!

However, just want to go, but I think of Yun Feifei's provocation, as well as her jealousy of Ji Ming, and the importance of the results of the competition to the three classes of the water doctor.

In the end, I still endured my teeth.

In any case, she can't escape without fighting.

She hesitated, is it right now to contact the youth, let her ask Meng Zisu to borrow a gorgeous set of clothes.

However, before she activated the communication jade, the sound of the rogue fairy has been clearly transmitted from a distance.

"Well, let us invite all the participating women to play on the scene now, and the flowers will be beautiful, and Shengyuan will bloom!"

The voice just fell, and the original concealed fairy singer lights up below, and each of them will be sent to the flowers in the first time, exposed to everyone.

I didn't even think about it. I pulled off a piece of cloth on my face and put it on the knot of the cloth towel so that it would not fall.

It is not that she does not want to show people in the true face, but not.

Zhao Tian’s portrait of her has been seen by many people, not to mention the Siamese goddess whose intention is unknown. Anyone who knows her identity or knows the origin of the wood, how can she discover her? Good to give up?

After the light flashed, very quickly, dozens of female practitioners appeared on the stage in a circular way, winding into a circle.

The audience burst into a warm applause and whistles.

During the period, some people shouted the name of the female practitioner they supported. They called Yunfeifei the most, but when they saw it, they all yelled.

"Who is this female repairer, why is it so ugly?"

"Look at the name in front of her, isn't that the one that doesn't even have the information?"

"Oh, come to the competition, why don't you want to show people in the true face, it must be too ugly?"

The women's repairs in the competition are also masked with gauze, just like Yunfeifei, but also the silkworm silk gauze cover.

The shawl that can be made is light and thin, looming, showing the effect of covering the face and covering it.

The gauze covered the face of Yun Feifei, with a mysterious and arrogant scent, not only did not cover her beauty, but made her add charm.

What you can use is a cloth towel, which is not transparent or wants to cover it, and covers your face in a strict manner.

Only a pair of cold phoenixes are exposed, how can you know if this woman is beautiful or not?

The rogue fairy heard the dissatisfaction of the crowd, and went to the front of the donkey. He said softly: "Hey fairy, would you rather pick up the face towel to reveal your true face? If you really want to use a face towel, I can lend this piece to you."

The hooligan fairy said that he took out a piece of lavender shawl, the shawl was covered with delicate silver ornaments, and the complicated edging of the pattern, which was very good with the sly clothes. If it was worn, it would definitely show up. Feminine and feminine effect.

However, Qilian didn’t even look at it and refused directly. “No.”

The rogue fairy smiled helplessly and had to declare: "So, I announced that the first round of the game is now starting."

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