"Please ask the first contestant Liu Liu to float into the garden to collect the required flowers."

The voice just fell, a blue-green figure floated leisurely, and after entering the hundred gardens, the flowers of the jade and the feet were full of flowers, and the figure was stretched out in the air, stretching out and revealing her graceful figure.

The audience suddenly sounded a loud bang.

Someone shouted, "Liu fluttering, so beautiful! It’s really the ninth beauty on the list of the best ladies!"

As the Liu fluttering out of the field to collect the flowers, other female repairs also flew into the garden.

Some female practitioners are just smiling and showing their most beautiful appearance.

Some female practitioners did not rush to pick flowers after entering the Bai Garden. Instead, they used beautiful voices to sing beautiful songs while walking through the flowers to deepen the impression of many males underneath.

Even some female practitioners entered the Bai Garden, and they introduced themselves to the generous opening. They pleaded with the crowd on the square and prayed that they finally voted for themselves.

At last, most of the female repairs were finished, and it was the turn of Yun Feifei.

Her face was covered with gauze, and she did not smile like other female practitioners. Her face was cold and proud.

However, when she flew into the garden, suddenly the clothes on her body did not wind up.

The flying ribbon surrounds her, and there is also a burst of smell that is better than the floral fragrance, which makes people fascinated.

A gust of wind blew, the petals falling in the gardens scattered in the air, fluttering and falling around Yunfeifei.

These petals seem to have been resisted, stagnating in the air, slowly transforming the group of birds contending, and sometimes becoming phoenix flying.

Yun Feifei stood in this grand scene like this, and it was like a fairy who fell into the mortal world.

There was silence in the square, and the men and women underneath almost watched and became obsessed.

Yunfeifei did not show a smile from beginning to end, carrying a high-rise shelf, and slowly collecting the flowers she wanted, and then returned to the original position.

Until Yun Feifei returned to the place, there was a burst of applause and cheers in the square.

"Miss Yunfei Fei is so beautiful! Today's Xuan Ying Fairy is none other than her!"

"And Miss Yun Feifei is dignified and reserved from beginning to end, she simply disdains to compete with other women, so this is the goddess style!"

"Yes, yes, Miss Yunfeifei didn't even show her smile from beginning to end, but I was so fascinated by her."

"Miss Fifi, I love you -!!"

The men and women all want to scream and jump and yell, all the sights are gathered in Yunfeifei, and other female practitioners become insignificant, such as the fire of fire.

This makes other women's faces look ugly.

Yun Feifei’s move not only allowed them to take away all the light, but even used their efforts to participate, setting off the high cold and restraint of Yunfeifei.

It seems that Yun Feifei, who is standing on the shelf from the beginning to the end, is noble, and they are all vulgar.

In the eyes of Yun Feifei, a slap in the face and a arrogance, the corner of the mouth slightly provoked, provocatively looked at the last appearance of the embarrassment.

The rogue fairy opened at this moment: "Now there is a last fairy who has entered the garden to collect."

Her voice just fell, so that everyone in the whole place was stunned.

I saw that I didn’t smile or talk when I was covered with a cloth towel. I didn’t even move my body shape, and my hand waved in the air.

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