And the number of votes has been faltering on the verge of elimination and non-elimination.

By the end of the total number of votes, Yunfeifei looked at the rankings and her votes were twice as many as the second.

And oh... Yunfeifei looked at the person next to him, and smiled like a smile: "Hey, you are really lucky, even just falling in the last one, almost will be eliminated! However, In the next round, you have no such luck."

I hooked the corners of the lips, and slowly said: "Yeah, I don't have the ability of Miss Yun, a few dead medicinal herbs with no value at all can sell a thousand crystals."

"You -!!" Yun Feifei's face was distorted for a while, and his face was blue and white.

Other female practitioners, such as Liu fluttering, who was heard next to her, looked at her ugly face and showed a snickering expression.

Don't look at the scenery of Yunfeifei, but when she was born, she lost her face.

After all, when she first sold a few crystals to her, she was still complacent and proud.

In the blink of an eye, the price of the seven scented scented flowers sold is ten times more than her.

This kind of act of tearing the face of Yunfeifei in public, how can you not let Yunfeifei get angry?

Yun Feifei gnashed his teeth and said: "Well, I see how long you can be arrogant! When you are eliminated, everyone in front of you admits that you are not worthy of any man. I can see if you can laugh?"

I haven't answered yet, and the voice of the rogue fairy has already sounded with the end of the vote. "The results of the first round of the game came out. The last person who got the highest popularity was the Yunfeifei fairy of our Tianzhi Valley. In addition, ranked 30th. After the famous fairy, we must leave this stage..."

The end of the first round of competition also means that more than half of the female repairs have been eliminated.

The results of this round of competition are counted in the final vote of the general vote. Today, Yunfeifei’s votes are 32571, and the number of votes is only 5762. It is the bottom of all women’s repairs, and they want to be in the next two rounds. It is almost impossible to catch up with Yunfeifei’s votes.

Looking at the number of votes, some people in the square couldn't help but scream. "Why is the number of votes so low? It is obvious that the seven refining spirits that she refines are so perfect, even the elders of the big family and the Zongmen are competing to **** them? ”

"Cut, the level of alchemy is high. This is the Xuanzao Fairy Contest. It is not the life and death of the spiritual domain. It is also a nostalgic person to be ugly."

"Who said that it is ugly?" The woman who had seen the shackles outside the Tiangu Valley retorted, "You have never seen the true face of you, why do you say she is ugly?"

"No ugly masks! Anyway, I only vote for the beautiful and noble Miss Yunfeifei! She is the daughter of the **** of war Yuntianyi!"

The discussion of everyone underneath was introduced into Yunfeifei, which made her face look a lot better.

The rogue fairy obviously heard these sounds too. She flashed lightly, and suddenly the lotus step moved to the silent silence of Yun Tianyi. The sound was crisp and sweet: "Yunyun, I would like to ask you the first prize of this Xuanzao fairy. What are the results of the round competition, especially the performance of Miss Yun Feifei?

Brushing and pulling, all the eyes are gathered in the face of Yuntianyi.

Especially those men, each one showed a look of excitement and reverence.

It turned out that this is the cloud **** of war, this is the first **** of Siam that has played all over the world.

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