The look on Yun Tianyi's face is still cold, but it can be said to make everyone stunned.

"Popularity, flashy."

The smile on Yunfeifei’s face suddenly froze, and for a long while, she shook her lips and shouted, “Father...”

The expression of the hooligan fairy is also unspeakable. "Cloud... cloud predecessor, then please, if it is you, will... who will vote for it?"

Yun Tianyi glanced at her and said faintly: "Do you know the true value of the Seven Spirits?"

"While the five refining spirits of the five products are illusory, can we use more time and better materials to refine the seven refining spirits of eight or even higher grades? Do you think this is comparable? ”

After that, the figure disappeared and disappeared on the stage and returned to the original room.

Hai pig smiled and rushed: "Miss Yan, if I let me vote, I will definitely vote for you."

Finished, immediately followed Yun Tianyi.

The headmaster Qi carefully guarded the seven refinery flowers in his arms, and then he rushed to the kind and smile, and returned to the room.

In the stands, I fell into a strange silence.

The judges who stayed, the elders, looked at each other one by one, and looked at Yun Feifei and looked at him. His eyes were full of annoyance.

Originally, they wanted to please Yun Tianyi to say good things for Yunfeifei. Who knows, Yun Tianyi himself is optimistic about it.

There are rumors that Yunfeifei is just a righteous daughter of Yuntianyi, not a biological daughter. It seems that all this is true.

When they let them comment in the next round, they still be cautious.

When I thought of it, these people did not hesitate and went back to their rooms.

This sudden reversal made everyone on the stage stunned.

The most temperamental Liu fluttering one did not hold back "噗嗤" and laughed out, then saw Yun Feifei's ugly face, quickly licking his mouth, but his shoulders were shaking.

Then, the other female practitioners who participated in the competition also couldn't help but watched Yun Feifei's eyes full of pity.

The supporters of the cloud Feifei are also dumbfounded.

Is the Yunjia Ares the father of Yunfeifei? Why does he not support Yunfeifei, but instead support it?

People who don’t know the truth of the truth think that he is the biological daughter of Yuntianyi!

At this time, Yunfeifei only felt that the whole body's blood was pouring up. Her face was shaking and she almost fainted.

He did not expect that Yun Tianyi would have given her no face in front of so many people, and even strong.

This will make her face in the future?

However, even if Yunfeifei is more angry, the game is still going on.

The rogue fairy has adjusted her expression at this time and continues to use her beautiful voice: "Well, the first round has ended. Now I am going to announce the content of the second round - music and dance."

As soon as this was said, the atmosphere that had just been anomalous in the audience suddenly disappeared and turned into a burst of warm cheers.

"I finally waited for the music and dance test project. Every time I hope for the Xuanzang Fairy Awards, this is the link."

"Yes, the music and dance of the last session, the song of the Shaogong main spirit of Shenyue Palace [咤羽天歌] is not soft, but it shows the cool and heroic, I think it is full of blood!"

"Yes, the dance of the last Yunfeifei is also good, but there are still fewer souls than Ling Yu. I don't know what kind of music and dance will come to us by Miss Yunfeifei who will come back this year."

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