Yun Feifei sneered and slammed, and suddenly a red worm came out. "I don't want you to do dangerous things. Just because of your defeat, I certainly know that you can't be a zero opponent."

Yun Feifei’s voice was full of disdain, and Yue Tingyuan’s embarrassing clenched fists.

Yun Feifei did not notice it at all, or she did not care what Yue Tingyuan thought, and continued: "What you have to do is to bounce this little bug to the cockroach when everyone is not paying attention. This worm is named [ Chaos], once stopped in the human body, feel the heat of the body, it will release a fascinating drug."

"This kind of medicine is very faint. Even the medical nymphs can't be found, and it won't be scattered. It will only affect people who have been smothered. Once inhaled a certain amount of drugs." Even if it is a monk, he will lose his nature for a short time and make things happen. Oh, at that time, I will lose face in the Xuan Ying Fairy Awards. I see what else she continues to play. What is even with zero!!"

Yue Tingyuan looked at her beautiful face and was distorted. It looked very embarrassing. How can it be as noble and glamorous as before? The love in my heart slowly faded away.

He frowned. "If you are so embarrassed in the Xuan Ying Fairy Awards, you will definitely pursue it. It will be bad if you trace it to you and me."

Yunfeifei sneered and dismissed: "Don't forget, my father is Yun's **** of war, Yuntianyi. Even if he really finds it, who can dare to find me? Are they afraid of offending my father?"

Seeing Yue Tingyuan still silent, Yun Feifei raised his lips and smiled: "Yue Da Ge, as long as you are willing to help me this time, I will recommend you to my father, as long as I have the guidance of my father, I believe that your repair can be Take it to the next level."

Get the guidance of the **** of war? !

Yue Tingyuan’s eyes jerked brightly and his breathing was heavy.

If he can really get the guidance of God of War, his strength will definitely advance by leaps and bounds, perhaps not necessarily comparable to zero, but catching up with Qu Changfeng is affirmative.

However, he still hesitated: "But I can see that the predecessors of the cloud are very good at swearing..."

"Shut up -!!" Yue Tingyuan’s words have not been finished yet, and he was interrupted by Yun Feifei. "Yun Tianyi is my father, not awkward. How could he be better than his daughter?" Do you want to help in the end? If you don't want to help, don't come see me later!"

Yue Tingyuan struggled for a while, and finally took the bug on her hand and carefully wrapped it with spiritual power. He said: "Well, you can rest assured, I will do it!"


The first four groups of games were finally completed after two hours. When it was the turn of Yun and Yunfeifei, the sky was already dark.

Of course, this is not a problem for Shengyuan Square.

The virtual sky shrouded above the square, and although there was no sun, the light was as good as the day.

After watching the game for a whole day, the audience in the square was not annoying, and all of them were enthusiastic.

Especially in the two groups of Yan and Yunfeifei, there was a burst of applause from the audience.

Someone shouted the name of the man, someone called Yun Feifei, and some people called Yue Tingyuan.

But the most people shouted, and the sound shook the clouds, absolutely - "zero."

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