The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2230: Calculate the request

The two groups are on the same stage, not far from each other.

When Yun Feifei came to power, his eyes were glued to Ji Ming.

When the distance between the two was close, she couldn't help but raise her voice: "Zero predecessors, my father asked me to greet you. He also said that the last time I didn't have a good time, I hope I can talk to you again next time. Some time."

She said, she also bowed her head and showed a shy smile, because she was frosty all the year round, so the rare little daughter's modality was particularly feminine and moving. "Of course, the last time I listened to your chat with my father, Fifi also benefited a lot." I hope that I will have the opportunity to face your predecessors in the face of the next time."

Yun Feifei’s words were not light at all, and not only did he and Ji Mingqi heard it, but even the audience on stage was heard.

This time, the people who were still cheering immediately heatedly talked about it.

"Is the original Zero God actually knowing the predecessors of the cloud, even if it is still the same as the peers? What do you mean by the true identity of the Zero God? Is it not a famous figure?"

"And listening to Miss Yun Feifei's tone, how is it that she and the Zero God are also very familiar?"

"You can't remember, there are rumors that Yun Tianyi is a goddess to visit her daughter, and she chooses her by the way. Isn't the son-in-law of the predecessors of the cloud a god?"

"It's very possible! Throughout the days of Tianzhi Valley, there are so many young talents. Now, which one can compare with the zero god? If I am a cloud predecessor, I will definitely choose to marry my daughter to zero."

"But it is a pair of zero and Ming. If the cloud family and the big **** are married, what should I do?"

"Cut, even if there is talent, it is just a Yuan Ying period warrior without background. How can it compare with the power of the Yun family? What's more, Yun Feifei's beauty talent is not lost at all. You said If you are zero, who do you choose?"

The rhetoric of the past has spread a little bit, and it has also been introduced to the stage.

Yun Feifei’s face finally showed a smile, and the slightly hanging eyelids covered the light of the eyes in the eyes.

After listening to the discussion underneath, Ji Mingying suddenly shot the light of Sen Han, and the murderousness of the whole body spread in looming.

However, his hand was quickly caught.

The girl’s cold voice is in the ear. “I don’t care what others say, as long as I know that we belong to each other.”

She has seen Yun Tianyi, knowing how unsatisfactory this person's strength is, and even no way to distinguish between him and Ji Mingqi who is strong and weak.

Although several times, Yun Tianyi’s attitude towards her was good, but Yun Feifei was his daughter after all (the outside world passed it). If it was really, let Ji Ming kill Yun Feifei, and thus conflict with Yuntian Yi, perhaps Ji Ming will be injured.

This is what she never wants to see.

Ji Mingyu opened his mouth and wanted to say that he was not afraid of anyone in Siam, but he thought of his true identity and his hatred of God, and the words swallowed back.

Just looking at Yun Feifei's eyes is full of chilling gas.

Regardless of whether this person is the daughter of Tianyi Shengzun, after the contest, he will definitely let her pay a painful price.

On the stage of the judges, the room where the principal of Qi is located.

Yun Tianyi's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he looked at Yun Feifei's smug look underneath, and his eyes flashed a touch of cold light.

Hai pig battles and swears: "Sacred, I have already notified Yun Tianhong, who is also here. After the end of the Xuanzai Fairy Awards, he will announce the identity of Miss Yunfeifei."

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