But looking at Yun Feifei's eyes is no longer the original admiration, but unscrupulous teasing.

The female practitioners were even more disgusted by Yun Feifei’s actions and vicious words. They all said that they must not be allowed to be elected as Xuan Ying Fairy.

Yunfeifei shouted and cursed on the other side, twisting his waist and revealing his most enchanting style.

Suddenly, a slap in the face, let her squat and stop the sound.

I saw Yue Tingyuan standing next to Yunfeifei. He shook his head and ran the ice-hearted method, and then he dispersed his thoughts that he wanted to go crazy like Yunfeifei.

Yun Feifei was beaten, and it was Yue Tingyuan who found that she was beaten. She was glaring and screaming.

Yue Tingyuan quickly squatted down and wrapped the red bug on her collar with spiritual power. The voice was hoarse because of restraining the mind: "Don't make trouble, don't you understand? We want to count, but in turn They were counted."

As he said, he spread out the "chaos" that had been pinned to death in his hands, and his eyes were full of anger and fear.

Just, almost, almost, he is just like Yunfeifei, completely driven by desire, he must take off his clothes in the middle of the hall, and together with Yunfeifei.

If he did, then his heroic name would be destroyed.

Without the interference of [smuggling], Yunfeifei finally woke up.

She had no white blood on her face, looked down at her clothes and looked at her clothes, and thought about what she had just done. She only felt that she was desperate.

Then I thought that all of this was a calculation of her, and even hated the sound of a sharp, screaming, screaming, mad, and rushing toward the madness. "You are killing me, I am going to kill you! Kill about you!"

Since she was included in the Yun family, she has maintained her image of being frosty and uncontested.

How many male practitioners admire her, many young girls repaired her, she was high in the sky, Miss Yun, almost forgot that she was a prostitute who was not valued in the low-lying family.

But now, all of this has been smashed.

How can this make her not hate? How can I not kill it?

However, she rushed wildly, but her body was not close, and she felt a sharp wind sweeping her face.

The violent pain was uploaded from the face, and Yunfeifei rolled back a few laps, and then he slammed into the ground again and sent a painful embarrassment.

When she looked up, everyone found that her nose and bones were interrupted, and the teeth also fell several times. The face was bloody, not to mention the beauty, but it was even more ugly than the devil.

Everyone in the square took a sip of cold air, and some people even turned their faces to disgust.

Ji Ming’s cold cold eyes looked at her like a look at the rubbish, “Looking for death!”

Yun Feifei’s painful body kept groaning, touching his horrible face, and scared him almost unable to control himself.

She must not lose this face, absolutely not!

But immediately, Yunfeifei remembered that she had a sacred refining system, Jiu Pin Sheng Dan [Jade Muscle Bone Dan], after serving the next one, the wound on her face turned better at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, the broken bones and the pain of the teeth being left behind are still in the consciousness, making her facial nerves extremely stiff, and laughing like a zombie.

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