Moreover, Rao is Yunfeifei has restored its beauty, but these people in the square have just seen her ugly appearance, and now where she can appreciate her face, I feel that it is extremely appetizing.

Yun Feifei's eyes are red, full of grievances and hatred. "How can you be so vicious, even count me, let me be ugly in public..."

I laughed and interrupted her. "Who is the calculation, the most clear in your heart. Come out and mix, always have to pay back. You have the courage to count people, and when you are counted, don't cry and cry." I feel disgusted when I look at it!"

Said, contemptuous eyes swept through Yunfeifei and Yue Tingyuan.

Yue Tingyuan was guilty and embarrassedly bowed his head.

Yunfeifei wants to refute, but the audience under the watch looked at Yue Tingyuan's expression, and he knew the truth. He suddenly pointed at each other and even scorned the two.

Especially those men who were originally obsessed with Yunfeifei and admired her, if they said that they liked Yunfeifei at the beginning of the contest, how disgusting is now.

Yun Feifei’s heart sank a little, and the whole body became cold.

Looking around, everyone in the square is only malicious to her, no fascination and love.

In this way, she will definitely lose to the third round of voting.

I remembered that bet, I remembered the Fengshen Junxiu who made her obsessed with it, and thought of her taking the limelight again and again, so that she would lose her face and lose her face. How can she be willing?

Yunfeifei bit his teeth and suddenly converges all the expressions on his face, taking a dress from the Qiankun ring and putting it on again.

The rogue fairy finally returned to the world at this time, and stuttered for a long time. "Good... well, although there are some minor accidents, our Xuan Ying Fairy Awards have come to an end, the third round of voting. Now officially begins. Please vote for your favorite fairy."

As soon as the words are finished, the chairs in the square are light and shiny, indicating that they are already voting.

Everyone laughed and discussed who to vote for.

Most people say that they will vote for cockroaches. Of course, many cultivators vote for other fairies, but this time, almost no one is willing to vote for Yunfeifei.

However, the strange thing is that there is nothing anxious on the face of Yunfeifei. The eyebrows are full of haze, and I look at the cold and cold, then look at the people in the square. Lang said: "When you vote, the most Don't forget, I am the big lady of the Yun family, or the only daughter of the **** of war Yun Tianyi. You voted for the ticket, and you are against me, that is, against the Yun family, is this really good?"

"What's more, the old lady of Yun's family is the most painful. If her old family knows that the most beloved granddaughter is so bullied outside, can you bear the anger of my grandmother?"

In this case, everyone who was already preparing to vote stopped the movements in his hands, and he was hesitant on his face.

Offending Yunfeifei is tantamount to offending Yunjia and Yuntianyi. How do they bear the consequences?

What's more, there is also the old lady of Yunjia, who does not know that the old lady of Yunjia is not high, but it is the most talked about in the Yun family.

Among the three classes of students in the water clinic, Yunwen’s brows were wrinkled and his face was very ugly.

The other students next to it couldn’t help but say: “Wen Jing, is this Yunfei’s status in the Yunjia really so high? Is she really the daughter of God of War?”

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