Only then will he not panic and not worry. He always feels that the person in his arms seems to disappear at any time, or is taken away by anyone.

His face is hot and he hangs his eyes and says, "Why are you asking for marriage?"

Then I couldn't help but laugh, and I was so happy that I couldn't help but laugh. "Not to mention, you forgot, we have already become a relative, and you have already asked me for marriage. Here are ours. What about the tokens?"

Say, take out the ring hanging around your neck and gently rub the words engraved inside.

Ji Ming’s words are a look of sorrow, and there is a deep, sorrowful and sad deep in the shackles.

He saw his look and thought that he couldn’t remember the original things now, thinking that he was so sad, and quickly hugged him: "Do not worry, there will be a **** will be remembered. Even if you can't remember does not matter."

She looked up and looked at the man's eyes, one word at a time: "Hey, I only like you, even if it has been thousands of years, the world is wrong, this will not change."

Ji Mingxi took a deep breath and let the girl hold herself, her body stiffened for a while, and then she will be held in her arms.


After Shen Mingming comforted Yun Feifei, he was ready to go back to the inner door.

Others enter the inner door through the transmission array, but he can directly pass the magical sky and the cliff.

Of course, this matter is not known at Tianzhi Valley.

Sui Shenming just crossed the cliff and suddenly felt an instinctive fear and trepidation hit his heart, causing him to shudder.

Then, the body was filled with a thousand pains, and the whole person was mentioned in the air and then kneeled on the ground.

The blood splattered and smeared the land. The blood was intertwined with the magic. The magic gas seemed to jump like a boil, and the excitement could not be said.

Yan Shenming climbed up from the ground in horror and stared at it.

Sure enough, I saw that I was the only one who had feared, and the only one who didn’t want to be right was standing there.

A red robes fluttered under the mountain wind and hunted.

The totem-like mask is covered in the face, can't see the face, only sees a pair of glamorous and charming peach eyes, stained with the magic of this day, but it looks more and more shiny, as if something will burn and spray come out.

Unknown step by step to Yan Shenming.

Yan Shening's face was pale, almost instinctively propped back to the body.

The pain that was once tortured came to my heart, causing him to tremble unconsciously.

I want to speak, but I find that my voice is released because of excessive fear.

Unknown side walked toward him, while his unconstrained clothes were blown up by himself, and the voice of the opening was smoky and hoarse with the young man. "Why are there so many people who swear by me?"

"I am very upset." The face under the mask, frowning slightly, if it was seen, perhaps only thought that it was just a teenager who did not know the taste, but the beautiful peach blossoms were dark and dark at this time. Bottom, "When I am not happy, I always want others to be more upset than me..."

As soon as the voice fell, the red energy line was densely emanate from the unknown, and the screaming of the singer was immediately entangled.

Yan Shenming only felt that he had broken into the abyss of hell. Eighteen tortures were cast on him, so that he could not die and wanted to live.

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