The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2248: Wei Zixi's breath (seeking tickets)

The screaming screams spread throughout the valley and drifted away.

The magical spirit beside the Scorpio danced more madly, screaming, wrapped around the teenager, as if he liked the smell of him, and kept drilling on him.

The magic of black and the red energy line blend together, as if it was originally one, it could not be separated.

Almost only one breath of Yu Shenming looked up to see this scene, the memory of a long time revived, his eyes suddenly widened, looking at the red robe that burned the eyes of the black scorpion, trembled and spit out two words, "magic the Lord!"

Unknown stretched out the long white hand, gently pinch in the air.

In an instant, Yan Shenming's body was cut into pieces, with a strong **** suffocation, scattered in the dark black suffocating.

Unknown to see the sky and the cliff, a glimmer of dark light, but a lazy smile.

Then turned and left.

Shortly after the unknown left, Yun Tianyi appeared here, and the gods swept over the surroundings, revealing a strange color in his eyes.

"Master, what's wrong?" Hai pig is very uncomfortable against the invasion of the magic, and quickly survived.

Yun Tianyi twisted her eyebrows and said, "I seem to have sensed his breath, just in this direction, but it has passed away."

"Who is the master talking about?"

Yun Tianyi looked at the bottomless cliff for a long while, and when Hai pig thought he would not answer, he heard him slowly spit out three words.

"Wei Zixi."

"Ah-!!" Hai pig scared a big jump, exclaimed, "God high priest? How is it possible? Has he not been missing for decades? The priest's house has been looking for him in the divination, even Someone has looked for Junyueze here, but there is always no trace of him. He... How could he appear here?"

Yun Tianyi shook his head and applied a sense of God for a while, but he never found anything. He had to give up.

However, in his heart, there is a layer of hidden worry.

Whether in Miluo or Siam, when he wants to find children, there will be the shadow of Wei Zixi.

What do Wei Zixi want to do?


Tianmen Valley inner door, Yu Shenming's residence.

The bed, which was originally empty, slowly condensed into a human form.

After the human form was completely solidified, Yan Shenming slammed up from the bed and gasped, his eyes full of panic and stunned.

His mind kept playing back the scene before the unknown killed him.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that the figure is not familiar.

There is also the fear deep in his mind that completely hooks up his long memories.

This boy, this teenager who has always been inconspicuous and not noticed by him, who is it?

"Master, are you there?" The door knocked and the voice of Xiao Muyu came from outside the door.

娄Shen Ming’s look was agile and slowly slowed down: “Come in.”

When Xiao Muyu entered the house, he was eager to say something, but he was shocked to see Yan Shenming’s face. "Master, why is your face so pale? Are you okay?"

Yan Shenming took a deep breath and relieved the pain in the body.

His avatars have been wiped out twice, and now the strength has dropped a lot.

Although his repairs did not seem to be a transitional period, in fact, no one was his opponent in this Qingyun world, including the president of Qizhi Valley, and all the elders of Goddess Valley.

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