The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2249: Help people help the end

However, the shackles were killed and killed in a way that tortured the gods again and again. His current repairs have really fallen to the robbery period, and if it is not repaired immediately, the situation will be even more serious.

However, when you look at the people who appear around you, the strength is stronger than one.

The man who did not say that you are swearing, that is, the man who appeared today, is also far higher than himself.

As soon as he thought of the man holding his cockroach and squatting in his arms, the little bird was like a human being, and Shen Ming could barely control his face, showing a sly expression.

"Master, are you okay?" Xiao Muyu inexplicably felt that the Master at this time was a little scary and wanted him to quit.

Yan Shenming has taken a deep breath and eased his look: "It was only a minor injury, and it didn't matter."

Xiao Muyu remembered that he had heard from the neighboring population that Master’s lover’s lover had stepped down and that Yunfeifei’s ruin was broken. He only felt full of anger rising. “Master, that jingle is really deceiving too much. Master, you helped her three times and five times, and even wanted to accept her as a disciple. I didn’t expect her to be so envious."

Said, his eyes flashed a sigh of cold and said: "Master, I have heard, you let me go to participate in the military experience contest. Originally I am almost empty, I intend to retreat these days, but 奚玥So humiliating Master, I am a disciple, and I must help Master to get back to justice in any case!"

Yan Shening’s face showed a gentle smile. It seemed to be very gratified to pat Xiao Muyu’s shoulder, but the eyes were flashing with a dark and sullen look.

"Mu Yu, you really are a good apprentice for the teacher. Do you really want to help Master?"

Xiao Muyu nodded without hesitation. "Of course, Master, you are reinventing me, and the disciples are helping you out. It is a matter of course."

"Oh, that's great." Yan Shenming suddenly smiled low, and there was no warmth in the laughter. Instead, it added a bit of madness and gloom. "Since Mu Yu, you want to help as a teacher, it is better to help people." Help the end."

There was a bang in the back, and the originally hidden door was closed.

Xiao Muyu changed his face and squatted back a few steps. He looked at Shen Shenming in horror. "Master, you, what are you going to do?"

Suddenly, his face was full of horror, and his voice suddenly rose because of extreme fear. "Master, what is the black gas that comes out of you?!"

When those lingering black gas slowly wrapped around Xiao Muyu's body, Xiao Muyu felt the pain of suffocation, and the spiritual power of him, as if he had been sucked up a little, his spirit was also torn under the magic. , a little broken.

"Ah, ah, ah!!"

Xiao Muyu screamed with sternness, struggled desperately, desperately for mercy, and wandered in the direction of the door.

However, this is obviously futile, the black gas is getting more and more prosperous, and slowly wraps him whole.

In the fear and resentment of unsuccessful death, Xiao Muyu was finally completely engulfed by black gas.

At the moment of death, Xiao Muyu did not understand why his most beloved Master wanted to kill him!

Then slowly, the black gas dissipated, revealing Xiao Muyu's intact body and seemingly sleeping face.

The next moment, Xiao Muyu opened his eyes, his face was pale, but the deep but dark light was deposited in the middle.

He smirked at the corner of his lips and got up and walked out of the room where he screamed.

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