The boy who was at the door greeted him: "Xiao brother, are you leaving?"

Xiao Muyu smiled slightly: "Yes, I still have some things to deal with."

"Right, Master suffered a minor injury. In recent months, he has to retreat. There is no summoning. No one can go in and disturb Master. Did you hear?"

The two boys are busy.

When I was far away, Xiao Muyu licked her fingers and her eyes flashed with crazy greedy flames.

The Yuankong ancient world can only enter once in a lifetime, and Shen Shenming has gone in, so even with his magical body, entering the Yuankong ancient world for the second time, the same will be stirred up.

But now that he has won the body of Xiao Muyu, it is different.

Xiao Muyu is already the peak of distraction, coupled with the remedy and other magical means in his hand, he does not believe that he can escape his palm.

Hey baby, so many people are protecting you outside, I may not be able to move you.

It is not the same in the secret.

At that time, I will definitely let you taste the taste of the desire ~ fairy ~ desire ~ death.

"Hehehe...hahaha..." The black gas in his hand disappeared, and "Xiao Muyu" finally couldn't help but laugh out loud.

For you, it has become his obsession.

The more he can't get it, the more he wants to get it.

The more obstacles there are, the more happy he is when he gets the baby, think about the way those people regret it.


In the valley.

The prestige is swaying, and the entire hills are like waves.

In this piece of blue sea and waves, there is a man sitting quietly, not moving for a while, as if petrochemical.

Close, you can see, on his lap, a woman is sleeping, the hair is like a waterfall scattered on the man's lap, the small face is on the palm of the man, and the sleep is very sweet.

The wind picked up her hair, revealing the beautiful face that made the world and the mountains and rivers eclipsed.

The man reached out and gently smoothed the girl's hair, and the cold and chilled face had a rare gentleness.

After a long time, the girl finally made a low voice and opened her eyes.

When she found her sleeping position, she blushes, and some blame: "Ji Ming, I am asleep, why don't you wake me up? I fall asleep like this, your legs are not numb?"

Ji Mingyu wanted to say that if you sleep for ten or twenty years, I would not be able to leg numb.

But seeing the girl's blushing face and some sweet and awkward look, suddenly the flash of light flashed, the voice was low: "Ma, Xier, how do you compensate me?"

"Compensation?" 奚玥 Some dumbfounded.

Ji Ming took her hand and pressed it on her lap. "Hey."

He stupidly stumbled a few times and asked: "Is it still numb?"

As soon as he looked up, he was angry at the jealous eyes of Ji.

This **** is clearly playing her!

The two of them had been in trouble for a while, and Ji Mingxi re-entered her into her arms.

Look at the beautiful scenery in front of you, whisper: "It's so beautiful, if we can live here forever, don't pay attention to how the world is disturbing."

Ji Ming’s voice is light and cold, but the tone is very firm. “As long as you think, I will stay with you.”

The lips and lips evoke a happy and sweet smile, and he put his hand on his lips and kissed him. "Hey, you can come back to me, it’s great."

The soft voice of Ji Mingyu came from the top of the head, "to each other."

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