The two men quietly snuggled for a while, then thought of something, Ji Mingxiao slightly frowned: "You participated in the military experience contest?"

"How do you know?" He asked, then he suddenly said, "Hey, tell you?"

Ji Mingxi did not answer yes or no, but the look was a bit dignified: "If you can, I don't want you to go there. The ancient universe is far more complicated and dangerous than you think."

I remembered, I also said this.

"I heard you say that you have entered the seventh floor of the ancient realm of Yuankong. What is special about this ancient space?"

Ji Ming said: "The Yuankong ancient land is the relic of the flesh and blood and the spirit of the gods left by the gods of the previous generation. It is found on many continents of the same level as the Siamese continent. There is a **** about it. The secret of the Emperor and the Divine."

"The Emperor? The Divine?"

Ji Ming’s flash of light flashed, gently stroking the girl’s face, Shen Sheng said: “Whether it is Siam or other plane world, it belongs to the jurisdiction of the gods. The Emperor is the master of the **** domain. It is only the **** of the previous generation. The emperor has fallen for more than a thousand years, and the new generation of the Emperor has been unable to be born because of the lack of this vital secret."

"Although the blood of the Emperor's blood has remained in all planes, according to the 12th star of Zhou Tian, ​​the Siamese mainland is the most likely place to bury this secret. So every time the Siamese sky The secret is open, no matter which plane, there will be thousands of eyes staring at it."

He bowed his head and looked at the girl's clear eyes, with fear and fear in his voice. "It seems to be nothing but a battle between the warriors. In fact, it is related to the rise and fall of the whole godland. It is definitely not what you can do today. If you really have something wrong, the warrior who goes inside can only be used as a looting ash. This is something I would never want to see."

Hearing a bit stunned, watching the eyes of Ji Ming also full of surprise.

She even wanted to ask who the real identity of Ji Mingxi was, but when she got to her lips, she swallowed it inexplicably.

You can feel the concealment of Ji Ming, but more is the love and worry for her.

She reached out and grabbed the hand of Ji Ming, and let him put it on her face more tightly, only gently said: "Ji Ming, I have experienced the pain of losing everything, and once hated my own weakness. At that time I swear, I must be stronger. From now on, I will protect my loved ones with my own hands."

"But after I arrived in Siam, I met you. There are unknown people, mysterious people, and people who protect me. Slowly, I began to rely on others and forgot my vows and pains. But this is not right. ""

"This is a world of weak meat. If you are not strong enough, even living is a luxury. You can protect me once or twice. Can you protect me from every minute and every second? I don't want to live forever." Under the wing of others' protection, Ji Ming, I want to be as strong as you, want to fight alongside you, and want to have the ability to guard you. You, understand?"

The light in Ji Ming’s glory flashed, and she finally embraced her in her arms. Shen Sheng said: “Well, I agree that you should go to the ancient times, but promise me to protect yourself.”

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