On the first day, they were given "sportsmanship", and then they were crying and crying, and they were Qu Changfeng.

The next day was a cold-faced man, even more than Qu Changfeng, who heard the three classes of the doctors call them Xuan Mu.

The third day came the boy in red.

When everyone saw him, he recognized that his brother was unknown. Most of them did not know the unknown, and they even laughed at the exit.

As a result, these people have seen the dark red **** of the dark, and since then they have seen the unknown ones, such as the little rabbits.

By the Nth day, everyone had been numb to the sparring staff.

Because the escorts who were looking for them were all too powerful, although they all masked their true identity, they dared to guarantee that each one is definitely a famous big man.

However, on this day, when I saw the men standing in front of everyone, the look was cold, the handsome and handsome, and the unparalleled man, couldn’t help but scream.

"Oh my God, is it my eyes?!! Zero God, turned out to be a big god!! The tutor actually invited the Zero God to give us a sparring?!"

Everyone excited, almost fainted.

In fact, these days, their sparring staff, if they really say that they are going out of their true identity, will definitely make all the warriors and monks in the Siamese mainland scare their hearts.

But soon, the three classes of the water doctor experienced what it is called from heaven to hell.

Because this little **** repairs their means, it is not at all lighter, and even can be compared with the unknown of the red devil.

After a day of training, the three classes of the water doctors will not want to faint on the ground and never get up.

Ji Mingyu walked out of the cultivation field with sorrow and sorrow.

He laughed and said: "It is really aggrieved for you to let the gods come to be a group of warriors."

Ji Mingyu scraped her nose and said coldly: "It's not what you asked for."

I want him to be a shrine of Siamese gods, and even fall to the group of small devils to do sparring, saying that going out is absolutely scary.

Didn't look at Qinglong, they know that he came to help train the children, one by one, almost stunned?

Although they themselves have been pulled over to do a few days of sparring, can the identity of the master be comparable? Can you compare?

He giggled, even if the face of the country has been hidden, such a smile is so bright and unparalleled.

The Tianyigu students who passed by the two people saw the smiles of the cockroaches all look at the idiots, until they were scared by the murderous murder of Ji Ming, and they fled.

Ji Ming is about to leave with a shackle, suddenly squinting and looking away.

The gas field around the body changed instantly.

Looking at the past strangely, I saw the man who had had a drink with her. The cloud **** of war, which is said to be the first **** of Siam, is slowly coming to his side.

When I walked close, Yun Tianyi and Ji Mingqi nodded slightly and said hello.

Then I looked directly at you and said, "Can I talk to you alone?"

I haven’t answered yet, and Ji Ming has already calmed down and said: “No!”

At this moment, he saw that Yun Tianyi's eyes were full of badness.

Seeing the look of Yun Tianyi and Yi, it is obvious that I have known it for a long time, and in the Xuanzang Fairy Awards, this person has maintained the shackles three times and five times. How did the friendship between the two begin? Why is he completely ignorant?

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