The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2254: Proof (voucher)

Yun Tianyi’s eyes on Ji Ming’s eyes are not so good.

In particular, when I saw Ji Mingqi squatting tightly, a pair of animals that had already occupied the cockroaches looked like a beast. The anger of my heart was a little bit up.

I still don't confirm whether he is his daughter, but if so?

His baby daughter, so good, so good, then Yu Xue is smart and cute, is this the beast of the prison **** respected? !

The two men’s sharp eyes met in the air, as if they could make a loud noise.

Yuntianyi cold and cold: "I asked if you are not you, what qualification do you have to answer her instead?"

The glory of Ji Ming was set off, and the cold air field of the whole body was cast, so that the people who passed by accidentally held their heads one by one.

But soon, he tightened his slyness and sneered: "I am her fiancé, you said that I am not qualified?"

Yun Tianyi always felt a vomit of blood in his chest, making his face more ugly. "You have a marriage contract with her? Can you tell your parents? Can you have a saying of media, six appointments?"

"none of your business……"

The tone of the two people is getting colder and colder, and they have to fight.

He was simply inexplicable, and he was a little bit crying and laughing. He quickly pulled Laji to swear. "What happened to you, inexplicably, picked each other up?"

The form of relatives between the two and the familiar tone, anyone can see the relationship at a glance.

But when I look forward to Yun Tianyi, my sly look brings a bit of alienation. "The cloud predecessors, don't know if you are looking for me?"

Yun Tianyi's brow wrinkled can catch the flies, almost want to take the cockroaches directly.

But I thought about the fighting power of the Prison God, which is comparable to him, or endured it. When the line of sight turned to the shackles, the rare cold eyes brought a little softness. "I heard that you are not a resident of Siam. I don't know where it came from?"

Hey, I didn’t expect Yun Tianyi to ask this question.

However, there is nothing to hide. She said directly: "I am from the mainland of Siam in the lower boundary of Siam."

汨罗——! !

Yun Tianyi’s pupil slammed for a while, watching her eyes look hotter, as if she could not see through her life.

He took a deep breath and suppressed his excitement and continued to say: "Don't know what your mother's name is?"

Yun Tianyi thought of it, her mother died very early, as for the father... He said that she has no father.

I remembered the sneer and lonely expression of Xiao Shantou when he talked about his father. Yun Tianyi felt inexplicably in his heart and couldn’t tell the uncomfortable feeling.

At this time, I suddenly raised my vigilance. Just because her mother was the original saint, how could it be exposed casually?

She pondered it: "My mother is just a nameless person. It is not enough to talk about it. It should have nothing to do with the predecessors."

In this case, the meaning of the split is: What is the relationship between my mother and you?

Yun Tianyi only felt that his heart was blocked.

In particular, I saw that Ji Ming was very satisfied, and that he was demonstrating like a shackle. He especially wanted to kneel down the dog's paw resting on his daughter.

The question is, is it his daughter? How can he prove it?

Suddenly, Yun Tianyi’s mind emerged as a portrait of Anling Moon.

His gaze was shot like an eagle to Ji Ming, and suddenly he said: "Ji Ming, the portrait you gave me, where did you come from?"

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