The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2273: I increase your reduction

A cold chill came from the back, let the warrior shudder, and a bad hunch in his heart.

However, it is already late.

Suddenly there was a sharp pain in his neck. He screamed and saw blood rushing out.

However, after all, he has a distracted period of cultivation. For mortals, cutting the throat means losing their lives. For high-ranking warriors, the body will gather spiritual power and form protection in the first place.

"Someone sneaked..."

The voice of the Bai Jiawu said, suddenly, the slender sword on his neck suddenly lit a fiery flame, and quickly burned the spiritual protection he gathered.

On the soles of his feet, he made a squeaking sound. Layers of frost slowly moved up and down from his feet, completely controlling his body and unable to move.

The face of this warrior finally showed a stunned color. Looking up was a smiley face, and the two phoenixes were innocent, calm and cruel to the extreme smile.

Hey -! !

The warrior Zhang had a big mouth and wanted to talk, but suddenly there was a lot of blood in his throat.

His life is infinitely close to zero, his body flashes silver, and his figure disappears into the secret.

The Bai family's team expelled one person and deducted one point.

The three teams of the water doctors killed one person and added one point.

This change happened very quickly. Bai Ruolin and others standing in front did not react at all.

When I look back and find the abnormality behind, I have already received a reminder that my team has been deducted.

Bai Ruolin’s face was completely distorted, yelling and shouting: “Look at you, this slut, dare to let my white family lose points. You give me around her, I will let her...”

However, after waiting for Bai Ruolin to finish the words, he saw a sneer-like smile, and his figure quickly turned back, and he escaped.

"Want to escape!! Dreaming, chase me!!" Bai Ruolin screamed and the commander chased him up.

However, after a fragrant incense, they were anxious and ruined, but they had to admit that they were all distracted, but they were completely lost to a girl who was married.

So, under their eyes, they killed their people and then escaped.

Bai Ruolin wants to kill, but he has nothing to do.

And nowadays, after all, in the game, what they need in the white family is the points. What is needed is to get the number of seats in the Nine Palaces. How can it take time to spend a person?

However, when Bai Ruolin stared at a weak team and wanted to start.

But the cockroaches appeared again, easily killing the weakest one in their team, and then drifting away.

Bai Ruolin simply hates to go crazy, but he is not a ghost, they are absolutely impossible to prevent.

If you want to chase, the problem is that none of them have a speed of distraction.

This kind of thing happened again and again, until the early days of the four distractions in the Bai family were killed.

Bai Ruolin’s eyes were full of resentment, and his eyes were covered with red blood. He gnashed his teeth and said: "All the traps were given to me. This time I don’t catch the monk, I don’t believe it."

However, the trap was laid, but half an hour passed, and an hour passed, but nothing happened.

Bai Ruolin became more and more violent, and at this time, some people in the team could not help but exclaimed: "Look at you, the points of the three classes of the hydrologist have risen again!"

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