"Don't you want to come back to ambush us, but to kill other teams?"

"Hey, look at our rankings, before the third time, or third, now it has fallen to ten."

Bai Ruolin saw this result, and an old blood almost spurted out.

Their white house team was completely completely played by the singer.

"Hey, my Bai Ruolin is not the same as you -!!!"


The secret of the Nine Palaces, the location of Huayang Zong.

Three or forty distracted warriors are playing a female repair of another weak team, and each face is full of sinister colors.

The woman was full of grief and indignation, her tears hung on her face, and her clothes were torn apart, revealing the white skin. She couldn’t stand the humiliation and swear.

Self-defeating is not really a death, but life is reduced to the lowest sent to the secret.

The people in Huayangzong laughed and their faces were filled with triumph and meaning.

At this moment, a woman suddenly heard a sweet, sweet voice with a smile. "Is it fun to bully a girl?"


"Oh, it turned out to be a little girl in the Yuan Ying period."

"Hey, isn't this a fairy? I was stunned by her in the Xuan Ying Fairy Awards. It really is a must-have thing in the world!"

The people of Huayangzong were all excited and marched toward the past.

However, after a cup of tea, the scene was a mess.

There are still many disciples of Huayang Zong who are alive, and each one has a period of distraction. At this time, they are all faceless, watching the blood from their own brothers on the ground, and they will not return to God for a long time.

They just arrogantly want to bully and slap, but at this time they want to cry without tears.

The cockroaches appeared so quietly, the shots were extremely decisive and neat, and they killed their five brothers in the blink of an eye.

Then he just said with a smile, "Next, I hope you can still have fun.", just drift away.

Huayangzong did not send people to chase, but after a few moments, those people sneak back and said: they can’t catch up.

"Master, what should we do?"

"Isn't that the Yuan Ying period? Why is it so powerful?!"

Huayangzong’s master brother has been indulging for a long time, only to shake his head with a black face: “I’m watching this kind of body and method, it’s more like a magic killing that is only in the magical repair, specially lurking in the dark, sneak attack, one Hit the hand and then the far shield. It’s just that she is more clean and neat than the killer, and the speed is faster. We can’t catch up with her, and she will be entangled, but it will be very heavy. This time, we can only recognize ourselves. ""

Saying, I waved directly: "Our goal is to get the nine-square place, and the points are the most important. For such a tough opponent, we will avoid it."


As time goes by, such scenes happen from time to time in the secret.

For the three classes of the water doctor and the scorpion, the various teams from the beginning carelessly regarded them as fat sheep, and now they all face headaches and fears of this ghost.

Yes, it is fear.

The repair of 奚玥 is very low, but it is the Yuan Ying period, but the strength is far more than the ordinary distraction period, and even comparable to the peak of the distraction period.

But if it is just like this, it will not make the teams afraid.

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