The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2291: Afraid of her? (for ticket)

He followed the one-eyed leopard, and collected a lot of elixir all the way, but he never saw the agar.

When she thought that the one-eyed leopard did not understand her at all, she was taken to a cave.

The one-eyed leopard made a squeaking voice, and the big red-eyed big eyes looked at her.

Suddenly, the flash of light flashed. "You mean that the agar is in this cave?"

The one-eyed leopard resounded again.

I no longer hesitated, and soon walked into the cave. The one-eyed leopard seemed to be afraid of something and dared not follow up.

As soon as I entered the hole, I knew why the one-eyed leopard didn't dare to follow up.

Because the walls and the top of the hole are densely packed with countless bats.

These bats are all looking at the green eyes, watching all the creatures entering the cave.

In the center of the cave, there is a place that exudes the radiant glow of Yingying. It looks like a gem in the distance, but when I look at it, I will find that it is a small pool, but the pool is not clear water, but ** Crystal clear and delicate liquid.

I recognized it at a glance, and that is the feathering agar.

Around the pool, several corpses lay down, each of which was smashed into a skeleton.

Judging from the clothes and weapons they scattered, these people are the players who participated in the Warrior Competition with her.

It stands to reason that when the life value drops to a certain extent, the secret will urgently send people out, but there are so many warriors here, but there is no chance that they will be sent out of the line, and they will be broken into bones.

My heart was a little hairy, slowly moving toward the feathering agar, but my eyes looked at the dense bat above.

The more you look at it, the more cold sweat it has on your back.

The few bats that had left the house swayed their wings and seemed to want to fly over to her.

However, just approaching her within five meters, suddenly felt like a horrible breath, making a scream of screaming, quickly and back to the wall.

Are these bats afraid of her?

I soon realized that my heart was more and more strange. The animals in this gossip were not dependent on her, but afraid of her. Why?

Is it that Ji Minghao helped her? But it is not right!

When she was about to enter the secret, she was very worried, especially the second, and she was so careful that she must be careful about these Warcraft. This is not as clear as it is known.

However, at this time, I didn't have much time to think about it. I quickly approached the feathered agar and collected a bottle. I quickly left in the scream of the bat.

You should know that feathering agar is a high-grade spirit liquid. Taking a drop can help you to cleanse the ribs and is smashed in the market.

But this time, I collected a full bottle and used it as a fertilizer. Speaking out, it will definitely make people want to smash the guy who lost this defeat.

I took a bottle of feathered agar and almost took the liquid from the small pool. The vampire bats were so reconciled and screamed.

There were a few more rushing rushes, but when I was close to the cockroach, I became shivering, and most of them were still stunned and continued to fly back to the wall.

Even if there are a few who are ignoring everything, they are directly slashed and cleaned.

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