The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2292: Halfway robbery

Going outside the hole, I feel the head of the one-eyed leopard with satisfaction: "Thank you for taking the lead, I have collected the feathered agar, and you go back. Yes, this is for you."

He took out a few bottles of medicinal herbs, wrapped them with leaves, and then hanged the little purple vines on the neck of the one-eyed leopard.

"These remedies can help you heal, and you can advance as soon as possible. I hope we have a chance to see you next time."

The one-eyed leopard reluctantly licked her, and finally turned and left, and went back to the secluded flower that it guarded.

I also found that these World of Warcraft have their own fixed positions and tasks, and can't just leave.

And I am very skeptical that even if these Warcraft are killed, the mystery will be reopened after ten years, and they will still be resurrected and continue to appear in their original positions, just like those plants that have been picked.

After getting the agarized agar, the first thing you can do now is to find the three people.

She was about to leave, and suddenly her face changed. She suddenly turned to look at a corner. The sword was squirted and smothered, and the purple singer also screamed in the air.

"Who? Is it not coming out?"

"Hehehe, little girl, good vigilance!" With a thick man's voice coming, a middle-aged man soon showed his body shape from the corner. "Hey, it's the first one to get from the vampire bat." The person who retreats in the cave."

He swept over him and blinked: "Tianhai tribe? What do you want to do?"

The man laughed and said: "In the Yellow Sea of ​​the next Tianhai tribe, watching the Taoist friend you just went in the vampire bat cave and retired. I was really curious. I want to ask the agar agar. How many friends did the Taoist collect?"

I don't know about this team that belongs to the Tianhai tribe, but she really knows about this Yellow Sea.

Because the Yellow Sea is the leader of the Tianhai tribe, it is a peak of distraction, and only one step is to enter the top warrior of the empty period.

At this point, I heard him ask, immediately know what his idea was, and a sneer in the corner of his mouth, slowly said: "If I refused?"

There is a murder in the eyes of the Yellow Sea. "Small hoes don't know how to swear, don't eat and drink fine wine, then don't blame me!"

As soon as the voice fell, he had already had a huge long knife in his hand, and he came over to the profit.

The long knife roared, leaving deep marks on the ground and the side of the rock wall. The crack was still attached with frost. A bat flying out of the vampire bathole was swept by the blade and instantly turned into a frozen foam. Fall to the ground.

The squat jumped, and the danger escaped the blow, but the clothes on his body were still swept and a layer of frost was formed.

Huang Haihaha laughed: "Small girl, I am a snow knives but Lingbao, don't say that you are just a Yuan Ying period, even if the monk in the emptiness period faces this knife, there is no way to cope with it casually. Shantou, I think you are young and cute, don't want to care about you. You hand over the feathered agar in the vampire bat hole, and I will let you know how to make a small life."

Blinking to his own clothes, his hands raised, and the swords and swords of Shui Shui cut off the corner of the clothes.

She leisurely looked at the opposite Yellow Sea, and slowly said: "Sorry, I will not let you go because you are old and ugly."

"Smelly girl, you are looking for a dead end!!" Huang Hai finally angered this time, the whole body's spiritual power suddenly condensed toward the snow knives, toward the squatting.

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