The age of the roots of the skeleton is only 20 years old. It is really young and incredible in the cultivation of the fairyland. Plus, her cultivation is only the Yuan Ying period, so even if I know it is water. The three classes of doctors, the three classes of the water doctor are the champions of the nine palaces, and Huang Hai did not even look at it. He only thought that there were other powerful people in the three classes of the water doctor.

But this hand in hand, the Yellow Sea is suddenly stunned.

Because of the majestic power of the scorpion, the power of the spell is far greater than his imagination.

After some fighting, the person who is in the disadvantage is not a jealousy, but his yellow sea.

In particular, the purple vines that were attacked by the shackles under the command of the cockroaches made the Yellow Sea completely unable to parry.

He also recognized the purple vines as the first time.

In his cognition, the purple meditation is generally only a fifth or sixth-order magic plant, and it is not a powerful weapon in the Siamese mainland.

The purple power in the hands of the singer is completely different.

The purple vines were drawn on him, as if the vines had opened countless tiny mouths, and he was eating his flesh and blood with sharp teeth, and his spiritual power was quickly lost when he was attacked.

The Yellow Sea is really more and more shocked, and his face is getting more and more ugly. At this time, the heart is reluctant to retreat.

He can't give up the agar agar. He can't beat it alone. Then he will come to find this account after he meets with other people in the Tianhai tribe.

Moreover, this little girl named 奚玥 is so evil, it is absolutely impossible for her body to only feather agar.

When I think of this, the Yellow Sea knife is looming out of the air, but the figure is rushing back, and it is necessary to escape.

However, the Yellow Sea has not escaped two steps, but there is a sneer in his ear: "I just want to escape if I can't beat it? Do you think it is so easy to escape from under my hand?"

Huang Hai was shocked and his feet slowed down.

The next moment, he felt a powerful pressure coming from the top of his head.

Looking up, I saw a red and blue sword hanging above him. It was the sword.

When he looked over, a slashing sword split into two, and the two split into four, eight... densely and increasingly.

The Yellow Sea slammed his eyes wide, and the scorpion was full of panic.

He hurriedly licked all the treasures on his body and wanted to block the mighty blow.

However, after all, it is too late.

Millions of arrows come together -! ! Wan Jian wears heart -! !

The Yellow Sea made an unwilling roar, and the figure slowly faded. It disappeared into the gossip and was eliminated.

奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥

On the ground, the ping-pong pong has fallen into several magic weapons that the Yellow Sea has just rushed to resist.

To be honest, these magic weapons are really not in the eyes, but it is not bad to put them in the three classes of the water doctor or Jin Zeyu.

When the hand is raised, it is necessary to sweep the magic weapon into the space. Suddenly, the action is awkward.

She saw a wine gourd mixed with many babies.

This wine gourd is a bit familiar, but at first glance I can't remember where I have seen it.

When I took a closer look, I changed my face.

This wine gourd has indeed seen it, and she has not only seen it, but also personally loaded the spirit wine into this wine gourd.

Because this wine gourd belongs to her master - Xuan Qing real person.

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