The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2295: Killing people (seeking tickets)

Yunwen Jing did not pay attention to her, but looked at the two people around Yunfeifei, and bite his teeth: "I am when you are Yunya, you are kind enough to help you pick the Biyuan fruit, you actually combined this woman Frame me. You are not afraid to wait for me to go out, do you have no place in the Yun family?"

The man around Yunfeifei smiled and didn't have the slightest panic on his face. Instead, he passed a touch of sinful killing. "The young master Yun said, but wants to let outside people know that we have framed the young master of Yun, just let the cloud Isn’t it true that the young master really died in the secret?”

"You want to kill people?!!" Yun Wenjing said here, only to feel a burst of blood in his chest, his eyes also revealed the meaning of sorrow.

Of course, you can kill people in the ancient realm of Yuankong. It is just a little trouble. As long as you start with enough speed, you will be killed if you don't have time to transmit.

However, Yunwen Jing did not expect that Yunfeifei and the two Yunjia people were so embarrassed that they would kill him here.

Yun Feifei looked at him with sorrowful eyes and said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense with him. He stayed with the monk for a long time. He had a lot of ghosts and immediately killed me."

Seeing that the two Yunjia people slowly came over, Yunwen Jing wanted to resist, but as soon as he was working, he was overwhelmed with blood and his mouth was overflowing with bloodshot eyes.

In his current situation, let alone rebel, even the power of self-discipline is not.

Just when Yun Wenjing closed his eyes desperately, his ears suddenly slammed and the expected pain did not come.

Instead, the two screams of the two cloud family screamed in horror.

What followed was the sound he was familiar with, often remembered when he was most desperate and most hopeful.

"My students who want to die, rely on you, too?!"

Yun Wenjing suddenly opened his eyes, and the voice of the opening had already brought a crying hoarseness. "Hey tutor!"

The long sword roars, and the purple vines are woven like a phantom.

After a short break, the two Yun family who wanted to start with Yun Wenjing were **** in the air.

Yun Feifei was both frightened and resentful, with his eyes wide open and his eyes trembled. He seemed to want to escape, but he could not move.

At the same time, her heart also raised unparalleled despair and resentment.

Why has she been destroyed no matter what she does after she knows what? No matter what?

All this pain and suffering are brought to her! Yes, it’s all embarrassing, as long as the embarrassment disappears, she will be very comfortable.

But I didn’t care about her for the time being, but went to the two people who were hanged by Xiao Zi. I looked up and said: “You just said that in this secret world, can people really die? I don’t know this. Is it true? I am very interested!"

The two faces were gray and full of horror. They shivered and begged for mercy. "We never dare to harm the young man of the cloud, and ask the seniors to spare us, spare us!"

I laughed. "You guys, do you think I can believe?"

Speaking, she gently waved: "Little purple, how to make them not as good as death but can not die, and finally in the **** of pain and torture, I will give it to you!"

Xiao Zi shook the vine and made a rustling sound, which was very happy.

The two Yunjia people wanted to open their mouths, but soon the vines tied their mouths so that they could no longer speak.

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