The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2296: Hanging Yunfeifei

At the same time, there were countless small mouths on the purple vines, and as they wrapped them tighter, they began to eat their flesh and blood.

奚玥 奚玥 走 走 走 走 走 走 走 走 走 走 走 走 走 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Yunwen Jingchao smiled, her eyes slightly reddened, and she handed over the Biyuan fruit. "Hey, I know that you like to collect all kinds of rare elixir. I checked, this Biyuan fruit can... Can be planted..."

Later, the voice became weaker and weaker, and finally could not hold back.

I grabbed a man and carefully placed it on the ground. I looked at the satisfied smile on the boy's face and couldn't help but sigh. The children of the three classes of the doctors were really stupid.

I carefully checked the situation of Yun Wenjing and determined that he was only seriously injured and heavier poisonous. He was not in danger of life and he was relieved.

Putting the medicinal herbs into his mouth, Mu Lingli quietly ran in his body, and soon the gray-faced look of Yun Wenjing’s face was replaced by ruddy.

On the other side, Yun Feifei saw the situation at the wrong time. Although she hated the extreme, she also knew how terrible it was. She could never be a sly opponent.

I am about to quietly retreat, but there is a cold voice behind me. "Cloud Feifei, what are you doing so urgently? You have been black-handed behind me twice, even to my students, I don’t think we are the time. Have you calculated the general ledger?"

Yun Feifei's face changed greatly, and she had to stand up, but suddenly a purple vine was pulled out from the oblique thorn, and her left ankle was tied and she was thrown to the ground.

"Ah-!" Yun Feifei screamed, and was directly stunned, bleeding nose and mouth.

The torture can only begin, the purple vine quickly moves to the side, and her figure is dragged away like a sack.

The ground in the mysterious gossip is full of pointed sharp stones. Yunfeifei’s head squats on the sharp stone, and her screams are so horrible that she is so miserable.

"Hey, you are a monk, ah--you... you dare to do this to me, you will not die... ah--"

This way straight to the front of the shackles, Yun Feifei body suddenly turned and vacated, was hanged in front of the squat.

He rubbed his hands and looked at her with a cold smile. "This is called a causal cycle. It is retribution. When you start with my students, why don't you think about yourself and today?"

"Hey, you dare to do it to me, I... ah--!" Yunfeifei was screaming, suddenly felt a tearing pain in his hanging feet.

It turned out that the purple vine had opened a small mouth and was eating her flesh and blood.

Yun Feifei just saw the two people in the cloud family horrible, suddenly frightened and scattered, angry and hate all turned into a panic in an instant.

Only, not waiting for her begging for mercy, suddenly a sword light hit, with a fierce momentum cut off the purple vines hanging from him.

Picking up his eyes, he soon saw a tall man coming out of the distance.

From the clothes on his body, he recognized it at a glance. This is a person belonging to the family of the monarchy, and he has been trained to reach the late part of the distraction.

There was an old smile on the face of the person, as if I couldn’t see the swords and arrogance here. I just said leisurely: "If I didn't admit it, you are now the famous fairy. What about women? Why do you want to be a fairy?" Miss Yun Feifei is so ruthless?"

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