Jun Yibo is also full of dreams. "This, it has to catch up with all the harvests of the previous Warrior Experience Competition!"

Yun Wenjing is also looking straight at the hustle and bustle, faintly said: "Hey, hey, this secret is yours?"

He chuckled: "Don't be poor, these are good things. After you bring them out, you can help us improve the three classes of the doctors."

Of course, Jin Zeyu’s shackles have already helped them stay.

All three of them have collected these rare elixir spirits in spirit, and the original singularity has been so shocked by such a horror.

Seeing that the transmission array is about to start, Junbo suddenly thinks of something, and quickly said: "Right, 奚玥 tutor, I found the third entrance to the secret."

Said, quickly reported the location of the entrance.

The second to the third is the channel, and there is more than one. But generally it will not be soon to enter the third.

One is that there are a lot of rare elixir in the second weight, and it is easy to get a lot compared to the third weight. The third weight is more rare, but it is harder to find and more dangerous.

Therefore, most of the warriors will not enter the third weight immediately, but will search the second heavy baby, and then prepare to enter the third.

The second reason is that every entry from the gossip into the seven stars will have a checkpoint.

Levels are difficult, but even the simplest ones have to pay a price to pass. The hardest part is to be eliminated. After so many studies of the Warrior Experience Competition, we found that it would be much easier to enter the Seven Stars Level after three days of opening the second secret.

It is also clear that the long time has passed, and the third secret entrance is also easy to find, but no one has entered the third.

I nodded and said that I knew that the transmission matrix was activated.

A burst of light, the figure of the three people of Junbo disappeared, and he became a lonely person again.

However, for you, it’s already a habit to be alone.

She did not continue to pick the elixir and waited for three days to pass, but went directly to the entrance to the seven-star mystery that Jun Bo said.

After about half an hour, he finally found the entrance that Jun Bo said.

The entrance is set between two rockeries and can only accommodate the gap that one person passes, which is not conspicuous.

But when you walk inside, you can see that there is a faint silver light, and there are seven stars on the ground. Obviously this is a transmission array that often leads to the seven-star secret.

He smiled a little and didn't hesitate to stand up.

The white light flashed in front of her, her body was out of balance, and her thoughts became chaotic, as if she was in a dream.

In the vagueness, she heard the familiar voice ringing in her ear.

"Nanny~ Mother, mother, I miss you, I miss you!"

"Mother, the egg wants to come out quickly, wants to be with you, it's so cool black, so lonely and lonely."

"The egg does not regret, as long as the mother is good, the egg is willing to stay here for 10,000 years."

"But really I want to kiss my mother... I want to think about it..."

He slammed his eyes openly, his eyes were red, and he shouted: "Eggs!!"

But looking around, there is only a ridiculous yellow sand, and there is a mixture of air in the air.

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