Looking up at the sky, it is not the top of the stalactites, but the real sky.

The blue sky in the sky is washed, but there are countless stars hanging, and the seven stars in the shape of a spoon are especially bright and bright.

This is not a gossip secret, nor is it a test of the level, but... the seven-star mystery.

She did not go through any tests, she entered the seven-star secret, why? !

What is the relationship between this mystery and her? Why does Warcraft get close to her? She doesn't need to experience even the checkpoints?

Eggs? ! Is it because of eggs? !

He suddenly jumped into the space and went straight to the temple where the egg was.

However, the purpose is still a huge, dull egg, which is silent and dull, as if it has been petrified and will never wake up.

The little red bird saw that she had some accidents. "You are not saying that you are afraid of being monitored in the secret, so you will not come in?"

I didn't answer the words, but went to the front of the egg and gently touched the cold eggshell. The voice was hoarse and sad. "Is it your egg? Are you always helping the mother? If it is you, respond Is the mother a good one?"

Quiet, quiet, no reaction at all.

The hope of the face slowly turned into a bleak, tears slipped down the eyes.

"Hey, don't do this." Xiaohong looked at her sly look, and her heart was particularly uncomfortable. "If the egg wakes up, you must not want you to be so sad."

When I closed my eyes, it was easy to suppress all the sorrow and despair of my heart, and smiled at the little red bird. Then I put my face on the giant egg and whispered: "The egg, the mother is also thinking." You, the mother promised you, will definitely let you wake up as soon as possible." At all costs.

After seeing the eggs, he went to see the wind in the valley, and he held the coma in the arms, gently combed the messy hair for him, and arranged the dress for him before leaving the space.

The little red bird looked at the disappearing figure and sighed softly.

It didn't look back, so I didn't find it. The gray eggshell on the egg lit up again with a golden glow. It seemed to have complicated characters, but it disappeared without blinking.

奚玥 奚玥 好 好 心情 心情 心情 心情 心情 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥

The next moment, there was a burst of wolverine in the ear, which made her spirit highly concentrated.

In the distant sand, there was a huge gray wolf with a head and a half height. There were dozens of heads and even the number of cases increased.

And each gray wolf has the strength of eighty-nine steps, and the leading wolf king has reached the eleventh order, infinitely close to the level of the beast.

When you see these demon wolves, you know that they are not the same as those guardian beasts in the gossip.

The guardian beast is sane, and unless there is a warrior who enters their territory or moves the elixir they guard, they will not actively attack.

However, these demon wolves are only showing a fierce and greedy expression, and there is almost no reason in the eyes.

In the seven-star mystery, the breath of breath is very complicated, with spiritual power, magical power, and dirty and corrosive gas. These demon wolves have lived in these breaths for years, and slowly lost their senses and become the beasts who only know **** and swallow.

"嗷嗷~~~~~~" sounded a wolf, and one of the eight-order wolves came up.

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