When I heard that Shen Shenming called her, she would just spit it out.

But now her situation is very bad, so she must calm down.

“How did you do it?” I asked coldly.

Everyone in the Yuankong ancient environment can only enter once, and she clearly heard that Yu Shenming had come in. It was during the emptiness period that he suppressed the cultivation.

There is also the case of winning the house. The conditions that I want to do are very demanding. The repair of the person who is taking the house is far less than the height of the body owner.

Secondly, the owner of the body cannot have the idea of ​​strong resistance, otherwise the soul will be damaged and the body will not live for a long time. And even if the success is successful, the degree of solidification of the three souls and seven scorpions will be weakened, and it will be difficult to advance in the future.

This is also the reason why there are very few incidents in the cultivation of the immortal world. Otherwise, those monks who have reached the end of their lives will not be willing to sacrifice the body of a young monk to continue their lives?

And Yan Shenming took the body of Xiao Muyu, which is even more harmful to him.

He is going to do this if his brain is broken? !

娄 鸣 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ You, at this cost, I am still willing to pay. Who makes you so sweet and attractive?"

Between the talks, Yan Shenming has swooped directly toward the past.

The purple vines are hoisted, and the murderous murderousness is swaying toward Yu Shenming.

There was no change in Yan Shenming’s face. He just sneaked away, and the whip slammed on his shoulder and immediately pulled out a **** wound.

Who knows that Shen Ming is not annoyed with pain, but excitedly screams and laughs, bowing his head to his wounds, and then looking at the sly, the eyes are shining with a burning light, "Play is a pro, 骂It’s love, Xiaoxier must like me, hehehe... Don’t stop, continue to fight, let’s take care of me!”

It’s disgusting to spit out the overnight meal.

The Sui Shui Sword and the Purple Mighty Luo are out together, and the spirits are exhausted.

However, Yan Shenming's revision is much higher than her, and when she was just fighting against the wolf, she almost exhausted all the spiritual power, and it was even more difficult.

He is not a character of awkwardness. When you look at it, you can't beat it.

However, just after a move, her face suddenly changed, suddenly suddenly stopped.

Behind him came a sigh of laughter: "I have spent so much effort, I just managed to get this opportunity to be alone with you. Do you think you can run so easily?"

I saw a spiritual wall in front of you, and the blood-flying mosquitoes that died on the devil wolf flew to the wall and were instantly ejected.

Looking down and looking up, it was not a side, but a hemisphere, holding the two in a small space.

She has no space to escape.

Yan Shenming slowly walked towards her, his eyes containing red-naked lust, looking up from top to bottom, as if to swallow her into the abdomen, "Don’t be fearless, you are escaping. I don't have the palm of my hand. The spiritual net that I laid down, even if the master of the Mahayana period can't escape, you are talented, but now it is not my opponent. It is better to take it from me, rest assured, I must Will make you happy to die~~"

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