Reluctantly kept calm, the sword in his hand crossed the chest, cold and cold: "Hey Shen Ming, have you forgotten how you died a few times ago? Do you want to let the unknown smash you again? ?"

When she heard her mentioning the unknown, Yan Shenming’s body consciously shuddered, with a sharp fear in her eyes.

However, he soon thought of something, haha ​​laughed. "You don't forget, here is the Yuankong ancient world. Except through the transmission array, there is no way to come in. The transit array into the secret is only in every ten years. It will only open at that moment."

"In this person who entered the secret world, who is by your side, wouldn't I investigate it? The boy in the red dress is not there at all, and there are a few of you who have not come in, hahaha... I advise you to die this heart? What is the place of the Yuankong ancient world, even the Siamese gods can not go in and out as you like. Now you are alone, and you can’t escape me alone. The palm of your hand!"

The heart is sinking a little bit, and Shen Shenming is right. In the ancient world of Yuankong, whether it is the contractual summoning of the shadows, or the jade slips that Ji Mingzhen gave her, they have no way to work.

At the beginning, she did not even think that Yan Shenming would have stunned and stunned Xiao Muyu to follow up. Nowadays, it is indeed the point of nowhere.

However, I have always been calm and determined. At this time, I saw no retreat. I immediately wiped my sword away from my neck.

Suicide can hurt the soul, and even reduce it to a level. But at this moment, she did not care.

However, the sly sword had just put on the neck, but suddenly found that his body was soft, his body was weak, and he could not move.

Yan Shenming took the opportunity to take her into her arms.

When the girl’s soft body came into her arms, she shuddered and shook her body.

He thought about the baby for so long, he paid a lot of price, and even the people who dreamed of getting it, now he is finally getting it.

The face was so ugly that she found out that she was not only unable to move her body, but she could not even do it.

The poison and antidote in the space can not be taken out.

"what have you done?"

Yan Shenming sighed: "I really don't care, how can such a flowery jade person self-discipline? You don't know, suicide in the Yuankong ancient world, but it is very hurt? Baby, I can't bear it. You are hurt a little."

Sui Shenming said, I will touch it on my face.

He still remembers the true meaning of the sacredness in the Xuan Sakura Fairy Awards.

What he wants is the perfect flaw, and of course it is necessary to show her the most beautiful side, and then enjoy it more.

However, when Shen Shen’s hand just touched the cockroach, the purple vines wouldn’t be sucked up, and they also had the magic of chilling.

Yan Shenming is a mocking smile. "Variation of the magic plant, it is more than enough to deal with other people, but in front of me, but it is a small skill. Don't forget, I am the real Mozu."

During the speech, the hand was raised, and a thick black smoke floated out, wrapping the purple meditation.

The purple singer Luo struggled for a while, but finally fell to the ground and could not move.

"Little purple -!!" screamed, and then stern eyes screamed to Shen Ming, "娄申鸣, you will regret what you did today."

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