The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2319: Sacrifice day (question ticket)

Wei Zixi’s mother hugged him tightly and cried. “Zi Xi is not a demon. He is my child. Please let me go through my children!”

"He is a demon!" Wei Zi screamed. "It is he who killed so many people in the village, he **** it!"

The people in the village rushed into the house and dragged Wei Zixi from the hands of the mother.

The guardian cried and rushed over and tried to take her son back, but was stopped by the guardian. "Achun, since the birth of Zixi, the disaster of this village has not been broken. He brought this village for this family. It’s all bad luck, he’s a demon. For the village, for the sake of the child, he must disappear.”

"Mother, mother-!!" Although Wei Zixi was young, she realized what it was. She reached out to the defender and kept shouting. "Mother, I don't want to go, save me, mother--!"

The mother-in-law cried: "He is only a seven-year-old child. He has not done anything bad. Please ask him to let him go. Please ask me to let go of my child!"

Said, rushed over and hugged the village chief's thigh, screaming and crying.

The village chief suddenly said coldly: "We are going to kill the devil and worship the heavens, and pray for God's forgiveness to bless us. If you don't want him to die, then you will replace him as a sacrifice to heaven. Do you agree? ?"

"What?!" The mother-in-law was shocked at once, and the hand holding the village chief was released.

The village chief ignored him and waved directly: "Take people away!"

Wei Zixi was shackled in the air, watching the guardian give up and save him, and his heart was cold and desperate.

Suddenly, he thought of what was red-eyed to look at the guardian, shouting, "Sister, save me, save me!!"

"Hey-!" Wei Ziyu spit at him, "Devil, I am not your sister, you are going to die!"

Wei Zixi was soon taken to the place where the sacrifice was made.

The altar here has been built, burning incense and sprinkling wine, and the witches in the village are wearing gorgeous costumes and are dancing with sacrifices.

In front of the altar, a huge pit has been dug in advance.

The villagers with Wei Zixi stood by the pit and were indifferent.

The witch quickly finished the ritual and ended the dance. Lang said: "It is the devil that has corrupted the healthy body of the village, bringing disaster and poverty. I have prayed to God and sacrificed the devil's body to him. God is merciful to all beings. To the sacrifice, the curse will be lifted, and we will be healthy and calm."

As soon as the voice fell, the witch raised her hand toward the front, and a fire lit up, and the voice spread far and wide. "May the gods pity the sentient beings and destroy the devil!"

Everyone in the village kneels down and shouts: "May the gods pity the sentient beings and destroy the demons!"

The witch was **** by Wei Zixi, "Take the devil into the grave!"

The person who grabbed Wei Zixi’s hand was raised, and Wei Zixi was thrown into the big pit.

This pit is very deep, Wei Zixi fell down and only felt a pain in the body, and he made a burst of pain.

He looked up and saw a lot of people around the crater, looking at him with all his heights, his eyes full of disgust and indifference.

At this moment, the cry of the woman came from afar, "Zi Xi, Zi Xi, my son Xi!!"

Wei Zixi’s eyes lit up, struggling to get up, shouting in his mouth, "Mother, mother!"

The mother-in-law suddenly rushed to the side of the pit and watched the son underneath crying. "Zi Xi, Zi Xi, my bitter child!"

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