The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2320: do not blame me

"Mother, save me, save me! I don't want to die!" Wei Zixi whispered in a hoarse voice.

No matter how calm and forbearing he is, he is only a seven-year-old child.

In the face of death, in the face of alive, no one can calm down.

The guardian just cried, crying in the liver, but never saved him.

Because saving him means she has to sacrifice herself.

Suddenly, the witch who stood on the altar spoke: "Dirty sin, brought with birth, brought with death. Only the person who gave birth to the devil can actually bury the demon! Give the shovel to the devil's parents and kill Devil, this thing, only they can do it!"

"What?!" The Guardian suddenly stood up and shook his head. "No, this is impossible. How can I kill my own child?"

The guardian did not hesitate, took a shovel and shoveled a piece of soil, and sent it to the pit without mercy.

Someone sent the shovel to the mother of the guard, and the guardian shook her head back in horror. "No, no!"

"Achun, fast hands, he is not our child, he is the devil who brings bad luck."

"This is also for the whole village. Do you think everyone in our village is killed by this demon?"

"Achun, please, my family Xiaobao is still sick, only this demon is dead, my family Xiaobao can restore health."

"It is you who brought this demon into the village. This is your sin. Only by killing the devil with your own hands can you offset your sin!"

"If you don't do it, just bury it with the devil!"

The mother-in-law burst into tears, panicked and feared, and was forced to hold the iron shovel and came to the big pit.

Wei Zixi in the pit found that the mother came over again and shouted happily: "Mother, mother, I am here..."

The mother-in-law shook her head desperately, but the warning voice of the villagers was heard again.

"The demons are all demons. If you don't do it, we can only push you down together!"

The mother-in-law finally couldn't stand it, and made a scream of screaming, then shoveled the soil and poured it into the pothole.

"Mother..." Wei Zixi stared blankly at the strange mother above the pothole.

The mother who always protects him, comforts him as the mother of the devil, and is now planning to bury him.

While the mother shoveled the soil, she cried: "Zi Xi, don't blame A Niang, who makes you a demon, who will make you a disaster, I am forced to do so, don't blame me... don't blame me... ..."

"Niang -! Niang -! I am Zixi!" Wei Zixi shouted desperately, his voice was hoarse, like a weeping blood, and the voice was filled with anger, sadness and despair that was abandoned by the whole world.

However, the movement of the shovel is getting faster and faster, plus the guardian, and other villagers.

Wei Zixi gradually became full of sand, and his face was covered with small stones. His eyes also entered the dust and sand, and the dryness hurt.

However, he did not want to close his eyes. He looked at him and watched how his most loved and loving person buried him cruelly.

Blood ran down from his forehead, crossed his eyes, and passed his ear and nose, drowning his entire face.

He was full of blood and red eyes, staring at everyone above, as if to keep these people's faces in mind.

This is like a sinister look, so that people in Weijia Village feel hairy, and they believe that he is a demon.

"You look at his horror, he really is the devil, the source of the disaster!"

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