"Witches, hurry to sacrifice the heavens, such a ferocious demon will inevitably turn into a soul after death and continue to harm the villagers."

"Yes, you must let the devil's soul fly, and you must not live forever!"

There are more and more soil in the pit, and Wei Zixi is almost inundated.

Suddenly, a small figure flashed and did not hesitate to plunge into the huge pit.

The figure entered the huge pit and immediately raised Wei Zixi from the mud. The sharp blade flashed in the hand and cut the rope. The loud voice: "Fast, follow me!"

Wei Zixi’s original dark and dark eyes suddenly shone brightly, and grabbed her backhand. “Hey sister?!”

The coming person is in control of the shackles of Wei Zi's body.

She has been watching all the things that Wei Zixi experienced in the Weizi scorpion, was dragged away, thrown into the pit, betrayed by her parents, and the anxiety in her heart almost drove her crazy.

Although there was not much time to spend time with Wei Zixi, this kind of strong and kind-hearted little boy left a deep impression on her.

Seeing her, I always think of my coma brother Xiaochi.

I remembered that Xiaochi had protected her from being bruised and wounded once and for all. She remembered that Koike pretended to be taken away by the laboratory, the body was cut in an inch, the bones were shattered, and finally discarded in the waste disposal pile like garbage.

At that time, I swear that she will become stronger from then on, and will never allow others around her to be hurt.

The strong emotional turmoil finally allowed the cockroaches to gain control of the body again.

She didn't hesitate for almost a moment, and picked up a piece of sharp iron piece that she didn't know who left, and jumped directly into the pit.

"Oh sister, are you coming to save me?" Wei Zixi asked hoarse voice.

"it's me!"

While answering, I took the iron piece to the side of the pit and picked up Wei Zixi to climb the net on the iron piece.

"Well, what are you doing?! Are you going to cover this demon?"

"Ah, they are coming up, the devil is going to be resurrected. If the devil is resurrected, our village will be finished."

"Fast, let them go down and bury the Guardian and the Devil!"

With Wei Zixi just climbing to the hole, I felt that the black shadow flashed on the face, and the iron shovel hit her head.

Her sense of fighting is very strong, but in the end is the child's body, no spiritual power and no internal force.

Under this knock, where can I resist, I only feel a sharp pain, and my ears hum.

Then, countless shovel hit her fiercely, and then couldn't support it anymore, falling heavily from the edge of the pothole.

However, even at such a moment, he turned around and landed himself in the midst of a thousand miles, while guarding the guardian in his arms.

Blood ran from the head of the cockroach, and the guard yelled, "Oh sister!"

Above the pothole, Wei and Wei were shocked by this change.

"Hey, what are you doing, come up!"

"Zi, we can only have one of you, you are coming up! Don't be with the devil!"

The last demon was called by the guardian, but Wei Zixi was already unaware, and he just looked at him nervously.

In my heart, I was depressed to the extreme. She looked at the little boy and looked at her eyes with enthusiasm. "I am sorry, I can't save you."

Nowadays, the body is also bruised and bruised. It is almost impossible to save the son Xixi.

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