Feng Yunzhao opened his mouth and his voice trembled slightly: "Qi Dong Dong Wang, who is the one who owns the origin of wood."

"Is this true?!" Rao was psychologically prepared, and Dong Wang still suddenly increased the volume, and it was difficult to hide the excitement and excitement.

"Don't dare to bully the East King." The surviving elders of the Qingteng family screamed, "We are sure that the people who have the roots of wood are undoubtedly."

"Congratulations to His Royal Highness, His Holiness!" The ancestors of the Lou family slammed into the ground and excitedly said, "His Royal Highness is really a popular destination, and it is a coincidence that the origin of the wood can be achieved!"

Everyone squatted and shouted congratulations, so that Dong Wang Shaoyang’s ambitions and desires were burning.

However, as soon as he thought of the gods who were pressing on his head, his boiling emotions quickly calmed down.

Shen Zun Ji Ming had initially suppressed the family and the Qing vine family, so that the two were almost destroyed, and the eight achievements were to get the origin of the wood.

Now that I have the news of the origin of the wood, I must not act rashly, lest I should be discovered by God.

It seems that he needs a pawn.

Thinking of this, Dong Wang Shaoyang waved: "You should go ahead and let the Dark Lord come over to see the King."

"Follow the orders, His Royal Highness!"


Qingyunjie, invites the moon palace to other hospitals.

Lu Xuyang was lying weakly in bed, his face was as pale as snow, and the realm of repairing fell from the original distraction to the Yuan Ying period. Because of the damage of the soul, Lu Xuyang not only greatly weakened his strength, but his old and refined appearance was also a bit old, and he even had a few white hairs.

Inviting the moon palace owner has always been the most pampered and favored by this male pet, but at this time there is no such thing as a cold and warm heart.

Just anxiously said: "You are going to talk about what happened in the Yuankong ancient world? What is the relationship between that 奚玥 and the secret?"

The warriors who were expelled from the secrets were somewhat damaged, but no one was as heavy as Lu Xuyang’s injury. The repairs turned out to be a big realm.

Lu Xuyang guessed that it was because he entered the third floor, and he was close to it. Because of this, he was even more hateful.

At this time, his painful body was squatting, and he did not even have the strength to speak. He was invited to everyone in the palace to be aggressively questioned by him, which filled his heart with humiliation and hatred.

However, Lu Xuyang has long been used to it. Even if he hates the extreme, he also pretends to be a smooth expression. "I... I don't know, but I am sure that it is related to the Yuankong ancient world... I, I When I saw the secrets of entering the Seven Stars from the mysterious world of the Eight Diagrams, I did not trigger any ban. The red awns that spread in the ancient times of the Yuan dynasty did not attack the crickets..."

Inviting the moon palace owner to frown and mutter: "I can start the Yuankong ancient world, have a pure Yin body, and let the Prison God respect so much attention to her, is it, she is..."

Speaking of this, the face of the moon palace was suddenly changed, and the eyes were full of shock and incredible: "No, impossible, how is it possible? For thousands of years, never appeared again... How could it be her?! ”

"The palace owner, you said who she is?" Lu Xuyang quickly asked.

"She is..." The moonlord just said two words, and immediately returned to God, sinking his face. "This is not what you should know."

After that, she looked at the red Xia waiting for her, and sighed: "There must be people who are keeping an eye on the ancient realm of the Yuankong. When they come out, they will be controlled immediately. Never let her fall into the hands of others!"

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