"Yes, the palace owner!"

After the invitation to the palace, he turned and left immediately, in a hurry. She has already realized the seriousness of this matter. In any case, she must find a way to contact the high priest and report this matter, otherwise she will definitely die in the future.

Looking at the back of the invitation to leave the palace, Lu Xuyang almost bite the root of the tooth, and then buried his face in the pillow, silently and sneer: the old lady who invited the moon palace, only knows that the dragonfly is related to the ancient world of the Yuankong, but not Knowing that there is still the origin of wood, the origin of the wood is destined to be its own. And hey, there will always be a day for her to break into the **** of survival without asking for death!


Outside the secret, everyone is shocked by every move, and everyone is calculating and arranging.

At this time, the guilty secrets of the secrets were so arrogant that they could not return.

In the Tiange area of ​​the Sancai secret, she finally saw Ji Ming.

However, Ji Mingxi saw her first sight but did not come over to hold her as usual, but her face changed greatly and directly attacked the day.

"Ji Ming 煜 -!" 奚玥 quickly screamed.

However, her follow-up question was immediately interrupted by a whistling sword light.

In the hands of Ji Ming, the long sword was taken out of the sheath and the white door was taken straight.

The white 猿 originally wanted to catch the shoulders of the hand and immediately sent it back, and a palm shot to Jianguang.

"砰" a loud noise, the long sword and the palm of the hand intersect, the powerful temperament burst into disarray, so that the entire Tiange area seems to be a violent tremor.

Afterwards, they are not waiting to talk again, and one person has already fought together quickly.

The sword is light and the spirit is sweeping.

I only saw it stunned and chilled.

Because the strength of one person is too strong, the moves are like a welcome intertwined, and they can't be seen clearly. It can only be caused by the overflow of spiritual power and pressure, which has made it difficult to suppress trembling.

Then, what made you even more shocked happened.

The power of Ji Mingyu, I have seen it, but this inexplicably appearing white, the strength is still in Ji Ming.

After some attacks that you came to me, Ji Ming’s spiritual fluctuations were actually suppressed by the day.

However, soon, he found that the strength of Ji Ming was suppressed.

She suddenly remembered that all the monks who entered the ancient realm of Yuankong would be suppressed in the realm of the warrior. The strength of Ji Mingyu was not so much suppressed, but it was definitely not as good as his outside.

But why is this white scorpion not completely suppressed?

Suspiciously, suddenly a sharp white paw waved, volley to Ji Ming's shoulders and claws, moments of blood smashing, clothes shattered.

I was scared to almost fly away, and I didn’t even think about it and said: "White, stop -!!"

As soon as the voice fell, the white plaque, which had already prevailed, immediately stepped back a few steps and stood respectfully.

The whole body was motionless, and there was no breathing up and down. It was like a sculpture.

Where can I still look at the day, hurriedly rushed to Ji Ming, and smashed his body and panicked: "How are you? The weight of the injury is not heavy?"

Ji Mingxi enjoys the feeling of being nervous and cared for, and wants to take the girl into her arms and have a good relationship.

But at this time, the doubts in the heart finally prevailed. His eyes swept over the white clouds and asked: "Xi, how is this? Why is it..."

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