The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2331: Heaven and Earth (question ticket)

He also looked at the white sly, and some headaches said: "I don't know what is going on. I was stuck in the cave of the three talents for a long time. Suddenly it appeared, and then I followed me and went down to me. Hey, even calling the master, made me inexplicable. Then I asked him where he could find you, so he took me over. Do you know what it is?"

Rao is in a calm and indifferent way, and when he hears it, he is also shocked.

For a long while, I slowly said: "You know that except for some puzzles, what is the most dangerous thing in the three secrets of the land of no evil beasts and disasters?"

"What?" Curious.

"Everything in the heavens and the earth. Every earth and earth is even more than a god-level cultivation, and it is a near-invincible existence in the Yuankong ancient world."

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Ji Ming is also half-speaking, and it takes a while to get people into his arms. How many secrets does this little girl have? The origin of the wood, the mysterious space, the surrender of the heavens and the earth... No matter which one is something that will make thousands of people jealous.

As soon as he thought that his brook would be smashed and hurt by other people, Ji Mingyu had a tight heart and a slap in the middle.

He didn't realize his feelings at all, and quickly pushed him away and nervously checked his injury.

The clothes on the left shoulder of Ji Ming’s shoulders were all scratched by the white paws, and the shoulders were also **** and bloody, watching the horror.

I felt distressed, frowning and taking out the wound medicine, and carefully sprinkled it on him.

In the eyes of Ji Ming, she smiled slightly and said: "The skin is traumatic, don't worry."

Spiritual power circulates on the body, and the wound that was still bleeding will soon begin to heal. It was only because of some suppression of the Yuankong ancient environment that the wound did not heal immediately.

I couldn't help but complain, "You know that you are not a white rival in the Yuankong ancient world. Why are you so impulsive? What if you are really hurt?"

In fact, Ji Mingxi is not really afraid of whiteness. If he really does his best, let alone the world, even the first seven layers of the world can be flattened. Only in this way, his repairs will be greatly damaged, and there will be no chance of entering the eighth layer of secrets within a few hundred years.

However, looking at his nervous appearance, Ji Mingyan swallowed those explanations, and carefully handled his wounds with a small hoe, even fearing that he hurts, and subconsciously blew.

Ji Ming can barely want to laugh, how can he feel pain in this area? Even if it is the suffering of the cold and poisonous ice, he is now well-behaved.

But when you care about it, it looks like a mess, but it is so moving, so that he can't put it down.

Ji Mingqi reached out and held the girl into her arms. She ignored the girl’s complaints and struggles and kissed her strong. This is his baby, no matter who wants to steal, let alone hurt.

For a while, he took his chest and let him loose.

This bastard, Bai Hao is still watching! Although there is no life, but it is also very good!

Ji Mingling gently stroked her hair and asked for a long time: "Does it call your master?"

It refers to the day, and of course I understand.

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