"The heavens and the earth are yin and yang, the cycle of cause and effect is sometimes end. The flow of troubles arises from you, and it ends with you. This is your mission and your responsibility to escape."

"Our people's desires are endless, they can insult everything in the world, they are eager to get your strength, but they are only for their own desires, but they care about the people of Li and the people. Remember to protect themselves, protect the Yuanling, and wait for the real Emperor to succeed. It’s your identity to see you again."

"What the hell?!" Hearing the fog.

But the opposite person is not willing to say more, just faintly said: "The origin of the wood seal is your strength, but also your memory. When one day, you can gather the five elements of the pearl, unlock the origin of the five wood, your The memories of the past life can be fully restored. Let me help you unlock the origin of the second and third heavy wood."

The voice just fell, and the woman's body that looked exactly like her began to become transparent, and then turned into a small light spot, constantly rushing into the body.

He had to ask another question. When these light spots entered the body, she suddenly lost her words, leaving only a comfortable sigh.

It is not spiritual power, not spiritual spirit, but a power that cannot be said to be unclear, flowing in her body.

She couldn’t tell the comfort, just like a certain part of her body was empty, but now it is filled.

As the greed absorbed the forces, the palaces in the desert slowly changed.

First, the stone statue disappeared, and then the entire stone house began to collapse and collapse. The original bright night pearl slowly dimmed until it turned into flying ash.

Finally, the entire palatial palace has always existed because of some mysterious power, and now this mysterious force is being absorbed.

As the power disappeared, the palace was slowly broken, the pavilions and pavilions collapsed, the flowers and trees withered, and the small springs dried up.

In the end, all of them were turned into ruins in the desert and buried under the yellow sand.

And the changes in this area are also affecting other parts of the mystery.

The sun area opposite to the yin domain, the hot sun is empty, the heat is transpiration, Ji Ming is blood-stained, exposed to the sun, but his body is still thick with frost.

The frost gradually spread, almost covering his entire man and becoming an ice sculpture.

But at this moment, suddenly a powerful energy was transmitted from the yin domain, covering the body of Ji Ming.

Yingying's white light emerged from the body of Ji Ming, but the frost that was still condensing began to melt.

The temperature of the sun simmering on the body of Ji Ming, slowly played a role, so that his body temperature began to climb.

And in the three secrets.

The attack on the enchantment by the three men of the Huangfu wing really played a lot of roles. The swaying of the enchantment became more and more powerful, and the defense became weaker.

Duanmu County and Sikongyu all showed excitement and excitement.

In the eyes of Huangfu’s wings, it is deep and thoughtful.

The changes in the ancient world of Yuankong are really strange, and have never appeared in thousands of years.

Is it all related to that girl?

Just thinking, suddenly a powerful force spread from the yin and yang mystery, turned into white light and fell on three people.

The three people themselves had injuries to the fight with Ji Ming, but under the white light, they all felt that they were all in the same place, as if they were baptized, and even the injury was completely restored.

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