"What is this?!" Duanmu County yelled in disappointment.

Si Kong is also full of stunned face. In their realm, the emperor's medicinal herbs have lost their effectiveness. In general, wounded cultivation can only be conditioned by their own spiritual power.

But now this holy light can cure them in the blink of an eye?

The emperor’s mouth was slightly open, and suddenly there was a flash of light in his head, and he screamed low: “Holy Light!”

Sikong and Duanmujun did not hear the words of Huangfu, and they were still immersed in their own horror.

Huangfu’s wing was almost shocked by this speculation for himself.

Holy light? That is the source of all life forces, the most powerful auxiliary treatment light between heaven and earth. If the gods of the gods represent the highest fighting power, then those who have the light of the sun represent the strongest vitality.

However, before the death of the Emperor, the light has long been a legend, and it has long since disappeared for a long time.

Otherwise, the gods do not have to choose the saints from the lower boundary every few years, just to keep the life of the gods continue.

Do not! Can't it be the light?

Those who have the Holy Light should have died long ago, and their souls are scattered and disappeared earlier than the Emperor.

Huang Weiyi persuaded himself, but he looked at it, but found that the original place in the secret place, slowly growing out of the seedlings, the green plants, the plants that represent vitality are shaking gently, as if to welcome the person. return.

Every corner of the mysterious world is filled with this powerful energy, and the lush green grass and precious elixir grow wildly.

The beasts made a happy roar, some rolled around, and some fell to the ground.

Next to the Huangfu wing three, the white cockroach, which was still standing like a puppet, suddenly screamed and rushed into the enchantment.

Huang Fuyi almost could not control his expression.

At this moment, he finally no longer doubts.

The powerful energy, the white light that can cure all three of them, is the legendary light.

The only thing that can manipulate the Holy Light and let the world have a new vitality is that it has been gone for a long time -

Holy Virgin.

The real saint of the gods.

Hundreds of millions of years, the gods of the gods changed, the mainland split and merge, the emperor can be replaced, the saints can be re-selected, even the high priest is not unique, but only the saints, always only one.

The existence of the Virgin represents the rise and fall of the Divine Realm and represents the source of the life of all things in heaven and earth.

When the Virgin disappears, the Divine and all the continents are caught in an unprecedented crisis, and they can only go down one step at a time.

Is the saint returning now?

Is the little girl around Ji Mingyu a saint?

Huang Yiyi opened his mouth, and the hand hanging on his side was tightly smashed into a fist. The eyes showed a deep, burning glow, but the depths of his heart were already laughing wildly.

Holy Virgin... Holy Virgin! As long as you get the saint, what else is not your own in this world? Hahaha!


The white rushed into the yin and yang mystery and immediately fell to the desert.

Then, a dark yellow light slowly floated from his abdomen and condensed into a bead that flew in the direction of the scorpion.

If someone can see this bead at this time, it will be shocked to discover that this is the five elements of the outer world that the world has robbed - Tu Lingzhu.

After the earth-going spirit beads came out of the white pheasant body, the white cockroach body twitched a bit, obviously it was awkward, but it seemed to suffer great pain.

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