"What?" 奚玥 stunned to look at Ji Ming.

In fact, people in the Siamese mainland do not have a deep understanding of the gods and the emperors.

It is only seen in the classics of Tianyao Valley. The gods are the places that all people yearn for. Only those who break through the god-level monks can fly to the gods.

The Emperor is the highest in the gods and the master of all things in the world.

But these are only legends. In this Siamese continent, even a god-level monk can hardly see it. What kind of place is the **** domain, no one really knows.

Not to mention the Emperor, that is simply an unreachable existence.

I was thinking about entering the gods. Suddenly, on the plaque in the center of the Emperor's Temple, a glaring light shot and fell on Ji Ming.

Not waiting for the reaction, Ji Ming has been dragged by this force, and he was taken to the temple involuntarily.

"Ji Ming---!" He was shocked and instinctively reached out to grab.

Ji Ming also tried to hold her back, and her voice was urgent. "Xi, protect yourself, wait for me to come back!!"

In the blink of an eye, the two have been taken to the front of the Temple of the Emperor.

He wanted to go in with Ji Ming, but he was blocked by a force of five elements and was gently sent back to his place.

"Ji Ming!!" I was anxious and wanted to rush again.

Suddenly, however, the entire Yuankong ancient environment began to violently oscillate.

The sound of quaint old voices rang over them: "The life of the heavens, the life of the heavens, the creatures of all things, the surrender to the feet, the king of heaven and earth, is the Emperor."

"The choice of the Emperor of God is officially started, and the ancient space of the Yuankong will be completely sealed. Please ask the owner and the saint to leave quickly."

This voice is mechanically rigid, and I am very familiar with it. It is the old man who provided her with Jin Lingzhu.

He quickly said: "You mean that Ji Ming has participated in the selection of the Emperor? Is he dangerous?"

The old man paused for a while, "at least for the time being."

"What does it mean for the time being?"

Only this time, the old man no longer makes a sound.

She was so anxious that she did not know that now in the other three mainland planes, such as the ancient sacred space of the Holy Luo dynasty where the Huangfu wing is located, the Temple of the Emperor also descended in vain. He also received tips for starting the selection of the Emperor. .

Huang Yiyi laughed. "The Emperor chooses, the Emperor chooses, and finally begins. For this choice, I have prepared for 10,000 years. Ji Ming, I will never lose to you, I will definitely become The real heir to the Emperor!"

Also excited are Duanmu County and Sikongyu who entered the Emperor's Temple on their respective continents.

Different from the excitement of the three people, Ji Mingyu was forcibly sent to the Temple of the Emperor, but his heart was full of disappointment and anger.

He was so hard to reunite with him. He hadn’t had time to reconcile himself. He didn’t even put the donkey in order to ensure her safety. He was sent to the Emperor’s Palace, so how could he not be angry?

But he also knows that once he enters the Temple of the Emperor, unless he chooses to fail, or if he chooses to pass the first trial, he will never leave.

The failure to choose a choice means to put your own destiny in the hands of the people.

Once the three of them have passed the election and completed the trial of the Triple Emperor, the real Emperor will be selected.

The other gods, that is, the candidates of the Emperor, will all be wiped out in the first place, and even the soul will not stay.

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