The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2362: Sacred high priest

This is to ensure a stable balance between the gods and the eight orientations.

After all, the power of God's respect can easily turn a continent into dust.

Of course, if the person who chooses can't complete the triple trial or die before completing the trial, then the domain will choose the new royal candidate and open a new round of choice.

Ji Mingyu took a deep breath, even if he could better protect the creek in the future, even if he wanted to go out to see Xier as soon as possible, he would also choose the first test.

Ji Mingyu walked slowly into the palace at the center of the Emperor's Temple.

In the center of the palace is an altar with a scarlet flame burning.

When Ji Ming did not think about it, he stepped into the center of the flame. The majestic spirit of the whole body quickly moved, and the power of black phagocya slowly filled his body.

Soon, the innumerable fragment silhouette appeared slowly in front of his eyes, just like the playback of his life.

Ji Ming’s look has been calm and clearly looks at his own life, but his heart is not wavering or even indifferent.


In countless illusions, he saw young men and women who depended on each other.

The man looks exactly the same as him, but the smile on his face is brighter than him, and the gentle sweetness of his eyes is far more intense than him.

The girl who was hugged by him was smiling and shy and soft in his eyes, as if he relied on the safest embrace in the world.

That is... Hey!

He leaned in his arms, but why did he never see such a scene in his memory?

And the one in "memory" is completely different from his current dress, dress, and repair. However, such a scene remains in his memory?

Ji Ming's face changed greatly, and she was about to look at these scenes. Suddenly, an icy scent spread from his internal organs.

The picture that was originally flashed in front of the eyes disappeared instantly without a trace.

Ji Ming’s body swayed, and the face that was slowly rosy under the treatment of sputum was once again pale.

His slap in the face flashed.

Is this a cold poison attack?

No, not just cold poisoning.

Someone is starting to attack him. Someone at this critical moment induces a cold poison in his body.

Who has this ability? Can you see this opportunity?

Is it the three royal candidates of Emperor Yiwu? No, they don't have the strength.

Ji Mingxi almost did not think about it and determined who was starting to attack him.

The high priest of the gods - Wei Zixi.

Feeling the cold poison raging in the body, the flame on the altar that would not have hurt him, began to burn his soul.

Ji Ming’s brows were wrinkled, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

His spiritual power is madly rushing out of the body. The original "picture" of memory is the key to choosing, but at this time he is unable to shape the gods.

In the Divine or Siamese continent, he is not afraid of Weizi Xi, but in the ancient realm of Yuankong, unless the Yuankong ancient realm chooses the Lord, Weizixi is the supervisor of the heir to the Emperor and has unparalleled control over the whole secret. force.

The spirit is almost exhausted, and the body is constantly torn and torn in the cold and burning. The light of the entire Temple of the Emperor is getting weaker and weaker.

On the other hand, in the ancient emptiness of the Sinuo mainland, the Emperor Wings felt more and more smooth, and the fires that originally rejected him were beginning to accommodate him and blend with him.

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