The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2385: long time no see

"Nine deaths, a step by step startling." 奚玥 simply summed up, but seeing the unknown beautiful peach eyes, she could not help but say, "I have fallen into a dream in the Yuankong ancient world, in that dream I met a little boy..."

Having said that, she paused and did not continue.

Wei Zixi smiled and asked: "He is like me?"

Who knows, but shook his head. "I felt like it at first, but later I found out."

The little boy in the dream is strong, forbearing, and kind, far more than the average child, but his eyes have always been clear and clear.

"I don't know if it is a dream or a reality. If he can survive, he will be. Wei Zixi..."

He gently screamed the child's name, and there was a bit of a sigh in his heart, and he was a little missed.

Although it was just a dream, in that dream, she accompanied the boy for several years, watching him grow up, watching his pain, forbearance and simple satisfaction. In the heart, the little boy is already like her brother.

It was difficult to calm down, so that I couldn’t find out that the teenager next to her when she read "Wei Zixi", the sudden shrinking pupil and the rapid breathing.

I still want to say something, suddenly I feel a dizzy head, and my eyelids are like a thousand.

Her body was soft and fell, and she lost consciousness in an instant.

But she did not fall to the ground, but was caught by a pair of slender hands like jade before falling to the ground.

Wei Zixi looked at her for a while, then let her sit on the biggest iron core in the yard.

The leaves are rustling, the moon is quiet, and the trees are mottled on the ground like silver.

Wei Zixi did nothing, just lying on his knees, his mouth with a shallow smile and his eyes closed.

The man was dark and magnetic in the dark, full of gentle and joyful voices.

"Sister, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"This is what I always wanted to do in my dreams. However, you always disappear after a short period of time. Just like a dream of nothingness, you can’t catch it anyway. But in the future, I will You are firmly locked in by me, so that you never have the chance to disappear."


When I woke up the next day, I found myself sleeping in my bed.

But she couldn't remember it anyway, how she fell asleep last night.

When I encountered an unknown at the door of the room, the boy said in a serious way: "I wanted to tell you what I did during this time, but you didn't wait for me to say that I started to sleep, I had to hold you into the house."

Awkwardly, is she really tired of listening to people talking and sleeping?

impossible? When will your own alertness be worse than this?

She looked at the unknown suspiciously, but she couldn't see a little flaw from the glamorous face of her, she had to give up.

What's more, the award ceremony for the Warrior Experience Competition is about to begin, and she has no time to worry about it with the unknown.

At Shengyuan Square, a crowd of people has gathered at this time.

Most of them are to watch the lively warriors and monks.

In the center of the square, in a huge circular area, the players who participated in the contest were standing.

When the three classes of the sputum and the hydrologist came to the square, almost half of the players had already arrived.

As soon as they appeared, they immediately attracted everyone's attention, and everyone kept whispering.

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