"That is the three classes of cockroaches and hydrologists? I heard that this contest, they are the only team that came out of the secret without any injury."

"I heard that you have stayed in the ancient world of Yuankong for a long time, and even entered the fifth layer of the five elements of the secret!"

"How do I hear that I entered the seventh layer of the three secrets?"

"What jokes are you doing? On the seventh floor, has anyone been in the past?"

"Hey, this time the three classes of the water doctor will definitely win the leader of the military experience competition."

The three classes of the water doctors met everyone's envious eyes, and they all stood tall and straight, and they couldn't speak freely.

They have always been ridiculed and despised, and they have been turned into wastes from small to large.

Some people may fear them because of their family background, but they have never received such envious and reverent attention.

And all of this is their mentor - he brought them.

The three classes of the water doctors were delighted and excited, but the mood was a little dignified.

After entering Shengyuan Square, she began to look around.

Each team is stationed according to the initial ranking. The three classes of the water doctor are at the end, and the teams in front of him are almost all in line.

But the number of warriors standing here is far less than when they entered.

At first, I thought that some people had not come yet, but later I heard the people next to me chatting and knew that these empty teams were not yet to be reached, but were destroyed in the Yuankong ancient territory.

It is not that they are all dead, but they have been seriously injured after leaving the secrets. They have even fallen into a big realm and are still in the midst of cultivation, so they did not come to participate in the award ceremony.

And even if the warriors present, there are many faces that are pale, unsound, and even repaired.

I couldn't help but frown. This time, the Warrior Experience Competition was already expelled when everyone entered the second layer. It is reasonable to say that there should not be so many people seriously injured.

She has asked the egg, saying that this special case was expelled from the Yuankong ancient land, and will not detract from the attitude.

The eggs in the space muttered: "It’s weird, they look like they’ve been punished by the Yuankong ancient environment and they’ve been damaged... but the mother, this is just like it, it’s not true. I see Their appearance is more like being swallowed up by people."

The little red bird also nodded: "Yes, you see that they are black in the Yintang, and the spiritual power is broken. It is obviously swallowed up by people. The punishment of the Yuankong ancient environment is generally directed at the soul of the gods. But their souls are not damaged."

Do you wonder why these people will be repaired in a big way if they are not punished because of the ancient world?

What disturbed her most was that she did not see Jun Zibo, Yun Wenjing and Bai Ruojun.

I was planning to go to Junjia, Baijia and Yunjia to ask, and I saw Yunya’s gorgeous lemon-yellow dress coming towards her.

"Hey, congratulations to you, this time the experience contest, your three classes of water medicine is definitely the leader."

He smiled a little and simply said: "Thank you!"

Yun Yazhen is no longer a guest, but is looking around. "Yun Wenjing, the kid? I am hiding from me. Is it going to let him out? I have a baby and dare not give it to me. I think he is alive. Impatient."

If it is a weekday, I will laugh at the wonderful mode of the brothers and sisters.

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